Output 13 SCORE2020: International collaboration of regional centres
SCORE2020 [corporate]
Published | February 2017 |
Periodical | Pages 1-18 |
Publisher | EADTU |
Country | Netherlands, Europe |
The SCORE2020 project focused on (regional) support structures in the development and delivery of Open Education and especially of MOOCs. In total, thirteen intellectual outputs are available.http://score2020.eadtu.eu/results
Table of contents
Table of contents
• Towards sustainable European support structure
• MOOCs as part of Open Education and their (potential) role for society
• What is unique about a MOOC?
• How does a MOOC differ from an online course?
• How MOOCs may benefit society
• Widening participation in higher education
• Equality in and democratisation of education
• The ROI of tertiary education for society
• The potential to reduce education costs
• The limitations of MOOCs for society
• MOOCs as an instrument of online education
• Technology-driven innovation8 MOOCs as a tool to improve education in general
• MOOCs and the SDG 4
• Present European situation on MOOCs
• MOOCs in the context of European priorities
• MOOCs seen as possible flexible solution
• Massive participation in strongly increasing number of MOOCs
• Lacking visibility of European MOOC efforts
• European needs hardly known
• MOOC innovation localised and short-term
• But mature uptake of MOOCs in Europe
• Difference between European countries
• No support from big MOOC platforms
• Continuation of an increased European collaboration
• HEIs, to increase their capacities in developing MOOCs
• Collaboration on scalable services
• Important role of policy-makers and governments
• Need for actions at cross-national scale
• Continuation of SCORE2020 partnership through OpenupEd
• Need for a coherent regional action plan in alignment with European strategies
• Follow-up in a European MOOCs Consortium (EMC)
Published at | Maastricht |
Refereed | Does not apply |
Rights | Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) |
URL | http://score2020.eadtu.eu/images/Results/Final_outputs/O13-International_collaboration_of_regional_centres.pdf |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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Output 3. SCORE2020: Evaluation report based on regional events organised by each partner
The SCORE2020 project focused on (regional) support structures in the development and delivery of Open Education and especially of MOOCs. In total, thirteen intellectual outputs are ...
Match: SCORE2020; government policy; higher education; MOOC platforms; MOOC research; MOOC uptake; OER; open education; Netherlands; Europe
Output 2. SCORE2020: Overview existing training and awareness materials
The SCORE2020 project focused on (regional) support structures in the development and delivery of Open Education and especially of MOOCs. In total, thirteen intellectual outputs are ...
Match: SCORE2020; government policy; higher education; MOOC platforms; MOOC research; MOOC uptake; OER; Netherlands; Europe
Output 1. SCORE2020: Need analysis for support in MOOCs en Open Education
The SCORE2020 project focused on (regional) support structures in the development and delivery of Open Education and especially of MOOCs. In total, thirteen intellectual outputs are ...
Match: SCORE2020; government policy; higher education; MOOC platforms; MOOC research; MOOC uptake; Netherlands; Europe
Output 9 SCORE2020: Evidence based practice for teachers and institutions using MOOCs
The SCORE2020 project focused on (regional) support structures in the development and delivery of Open Education and especially of MOOCs. In total, thirteen intellectual outputs are ...
Match: SCORE2020; government policy; higher education; MOOC research; MOOC uptake; OER; Netherlands; Europe
Output 5 SCORE2020 : Instructional design models for different types and settings of MOOCs
The SCORE2020 project focused on (regional) support structures in the development and delivery of Open Education and especially of MOOCs. In total, thirteen intellectual outputs are ...
Match: SCORE2020; government policy; higher education; MOOC research; MOOC uptake; open education; Netherlands; Europe
Output 8 SCORE2020 : MOOC Quality and it’s use by different target groups
The SCORE2020 project focused on (regional) support structures in the development and delivery of Open Education and especially of MOOCs. In total, thirteen intellectual outputs are ...
Match: SCORE2020; government policy; higher education; MOOC research; MOOC uptake; OER; Netherlands; Europe
Output 4. SCORE2020 : Conditions for and characteristics of MOOCs design models
The SCORE2020 project focused on (regional) support structures in the development and delivery of Open Education and especially of MOOCs. In total, thirteen intellectual outputs are ...
Match: SCORE2020; government policy; higher education; MOOC research; MOOC uptake; OER; Netherlands; Europe
Output 12 SCORE2020: Business models for regional support centres
The SCORE2020 project focused on (regional) support structures in the development and delivery of Open Education and especially of MOOCs. In total, thirteen intellectual outputs are ...
Match: SCORE2020; government policy; higher education; MOOC platforms; MOOC research; Netherlands; Europe
Output 6 SCORE2020 : Train-the-trainer mOOC (micro open online course)
The SCORE2020 project focused on (regional) support structures in the development and delivery of Open Education and especially of MOOCs. In total, thirteen intellectual outputs are ...
Match: SCORE2020; government policy; higher education; MOOC research; MOOC uptake; Netherlands; Europe
Output 7 SCORE2020 : Policy arguments for MOOC and open online education
The SCORE2020 project focused on (regional) support structures in the development and delivery of Open Education and especially of MOOCs. In total, thirteen intellectual outputs are ...
Match: SCORE2020; government policy; higher education; MOOC uptake; OER; Netherlands; Europe