Institutional repositories, open access, and scholarly communication: A study of conflicting paradigms
Cullen, Rowena and Chawner, Brenda

PublishedDecember 2011
JournalThe Journal of Academic Librarianship
Volume 37, Issue 6, Pages 460 - 470
CountryNew Zealand, Oceania

The Open Access movement of the past decade, and institutional repositories developed by universities and academic libraries as a part of that movement, have openly challenged the traditional scholarly communication system. This article examines the growth of repositories around the world, and summarizes a growing body of evidence of the response of academics to institutional repositories. It reports the findings of a national survey of academics which highlights the conflict between the principles and rewards of the traditional scholarly communication system, and the benefits of Open Access. The article concludes by suggesting ways in which academic libraries can alleviate the conflict between these two paradigms.

Keywords academic libraries · OER repositories · OER research · open access

RightsCopyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved
Other informationThe Journal of Academic Librarianship
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