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OER quality tips
Kawachi, Paul

Type of worktraining handout
PeriodicalPages 1-12
PublisherCEMCA, COL

Paul Kawachi (email: has prepared this training handout as a derivative of the CEMCA Publication entitled “Quality Assurance Guidelines for Open Educational Resources: TIPS Framework” written by him based on data collected through consultation with experts and research.

To help you prepare your materials for safely storing and re-using later on, we have compiled this pamphlet of ideas that you can look through for ways to develop your own materials so that you can be assured of good quality resources when you next need them.

To sort out these ideas collected from other teachers around the world, we have put them
into four sections as layers of quality suggestions - each layer covers certain points that you could consider when designing your materials:

-Teaching and learning processes
-Information and material content
-Presentation product and format
-System technical and technology

Keywords motivation · OER creation · OER framework

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