OERaaS: Open educational resources as a service with the help of virtual containers
Burgos, Daniel and Corbi, Alberto

Translated titleOERaaS: recursos educativos como servicio mediante contenedores virtuales
PublishedJune 2016
JournalIEEE Latin America Transactions
Volume 14, Issue 6, Pages 2927-2933

The new and challenging virtual containers are
wide spread in a variety of sectors like systems administration,
application deployment and service provision. However, these
tools are not that much used in education and training, either in
face-to-face or online forms. In this paper we show a
technological set based on these containers and we discuss about
a potential role in academic settings as a support to Open
Educational Resources (OER). Furthermore, we present a very
specific case study carried out with freshman students of the
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. These online students
concentrate on a STEM subject, which stands for Science,
Technology, Engineering and Maths. The promising results out
of the tool evaluation might be migrated to other subjects,
academic fields and educational levels. Likewise, we present
already existing repositories of containers and discuss how good
they are as a distribution service of OERs

Keywords distribution platform · education · Open Educational Resources · Spanish · STEM · virtual containers

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