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Opening up education: The collective advancement of education through open technology, open content, and open knowledge
Casserly, Cathy and Smith, Marshall S.

PeriodicalChapter Revolutionizing Education through Innovation: Can Openness Transform Teaching and Learning?, Pages 261-275
PublisherMIT Press
EditorsIiyoshi, Toru and Kumar, M. S. V.
CountryUnited Kingdom

Published atLondon
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Open source resources in education: Opportunities and challenges
Friesen, Norm
The education community has been at the forefront in envisioning and conceptualizing infrastructures intended for utilizing and sharing digital content or resources. However, this community has faced challenges in ...
Match: challenges; MIT; OpenCourseWare; web 2.0

Building a community for developing OERs
Botes, Corne; Ferreira, Frances
The transition to lower secondary education is now at the centre of the Education for All agenda in many countries. As more children are progressing through primary school the demand for secondary school places is ...
Match: technology; challenges; collaboration

Higher education at the intersection: Open source software and open educational resources
Bernard, Andrea
Institutions of higher education are facing increasing competition for scarce financial resources. At the same time these academic centers must maintain and distinguish those unique qualities that make their institution ...
Match: technology; higher education; web 2.0

Opening education
Smith, Marshall S.
Spurred by the publication of Massachusetts Institute of Technology OpenCourseWare in 2002, the open educational resources (OER) movement, which has rapidly expanded and captured the imagination and energy of millions ...
Match: Smith, Marshall S.; higher education

Background and action paper on OER: A background and action paper for staff of bilateral and multilateral organizations at the strategic institutional education sector level
West, Paul G.; Victor, Lorraine; William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Match: higher education; OpenCourseWare; web 2.0

Open educational resources and change in higher education: Reflections from practice
Glennie, Jenny; Harley, Ken; Butcher, Neil; van Wyk, Trudy
In the last decade in particular, the promotion, sharing and use of open educational resources (OER) have been growing exponentially. However, as with any new phenomenon or paradigm, our knowledge of OER’s ...
Match: higher education; teacher professional development; web 2.0

Understanding open source for open education
Klein, Lindy; Abas, Zoraini Wati; Jung, Insung; Luca, JosephEditors
Open Education is a phrase used to refer to various types of education offerings. This paper examines the history of the New Age Open Education, providing information for individuals to learn more about, and become ...
Match: MIT; OpenCourseWare; web 2.0

Our history
In 1999, MIT Faculty considered how to use the Internet in pursuit of MIT's mission—to advance knowledge and educate students—and in 2000 proposed OCW. MIT published the first proof-of-concept site in 2002, ...
Match: MIT

OER provision practices in context : a socio-technical study on OpenCourseWare initiatives in Spain
Villar Onrubia, Daniel
Based on the idea of broadening access to learning opportunities for all by means of new Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), the Open Educational Resources (OER) movement has gained ground during the ...
Match: higher education; OpenCourseWare; United Kingdom

Opening up education: The collective advancement of education through open technology, open content, and open knowledge
Lane, Andy; Iiyoshi, Toru; Kumar, M. S. V.
Match: higher education; textbooks; United Kingdom