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The African Virtual University's Open Education Resources (OER) Policy
African Virtual University [corporate] · Universite Virtuelle Africaine [corporate] · Universidade Virtual Africana [corporate]

PublishedMarch 2011
PeriodicalPages 1-3

A description of the African Virtual University’s (AVU) Open Education Resources repository, OER@AVU, including: information related to licensing and file formats.

Keywords copyright · Open Educational Resources · policy · repository

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Open Educational Resources the way forward, deliberations of an international community of interest
D'Antoni, Susan; United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization; International Institute for Educational Planning
Between 2005 and 2007, a Community of Interest of more than 600 members from over half of the 193 Member States of UNESCO took part in online discussions on Open Educational Resources (OER) – open content for ...
Match: copyright; Open Educational Resources; policy

Beyond OER: Shifting focus to open educational practices
Andrade, António; Ehlers, Ulf Daniel; Caine, Abel; Carneiro, Roberto; et al.
Open Educational Resources are teaching, learning or research materials that are in the public domain or released with an intellectual property license that allows for free use, adaptation, and distribution. In ...
Match: copyright; Open Educational Resources; policy

Park, Jane
This document is aimed at individual academics and decision-makers in higher education institutions that are interested in becoming active participants in the OER world, as publishers and users of OER. At the beginning ...
Match: copyright; Open Educational Resources; repository

The challenges of OER to academic practice
Browne, Tom; Holding, Richard; Howell, Anna; Rodway-Dyer, Sue
The degree to which Open Educational Resources (OER) reflect the values of its institutional provider depends on questions of economics and the level of support amongst its academics. For project managers establishing ...
Match: copyright; Open Educational Resources; policy

Why openness in education?
Wiley, David; Green, Cable; Oblinger, Diana
In this chapter, we explore a number of ways openness affects the practices of teaching and learning and the motivations behind supporters of these emergent practices. We discuss the three principal influences of ...
Match: copyright; Open Educational Resources

Creating and sharing Open Educational Resources
Harmon, James; Kapeller, Doug; Mika, Joshua; Seng, Bill; et al.
This collection/course in Itunes U includes multi-touch books for the iOS/iTunesU platform, as well as reviews of apps for creating OER and discussions and tutorials regarding OER topics.
Match: copyright; Open Educational Resources

Opening up education: The collective advancement of education through open technology, open content, and open knowledge
Lane, Andy; Iiyoshi, Toru; Kumar, M. S. V.
Match: resources; policy

Creative Commons: A User Guide
Aliprandi, Simone
This is an operational manual which guides creators, step-by-step, in the world of Creative Commons licenses. The author goes into technical details of the tools offered by Creative Commons. Written for those interested ...
Match: copyright; Open Educational Resources

Images and the open educational resources (OER) movement
Perez, Jorge Enrique
With the growing interest in faculty publication in Open Educational Resources (OER), librarians have not only been tasked in becoming well versed in locating OER materials for instructors but also assisting with ...
Match: copyright; Open Educational Resources

Needs for and utilization of OER in distance education: A Chinese survey
Chen, Qing; Panda, Santosh
The recent developments within open educational resources (OERs) and open licensing have generated considerable interest among distance educators since open and distance learning is supposed to be the largest ...
Match: copyright; Open Educational Resources