Using educational technology to reach a wider audience for healthcare technology management
de Ruijter, P. · Ferreira, Giselle · Parsons, R.

PublishedMay 2008
ConferenceInternational Seminar on Appropriate Healthcare Technologies for Developing Countries (AHT 2008), 21-22 May 2008

We discuss a collaboration between Health Partners International, HEART and the Open University (OpenLearn) to develop a short open access course for the purpose of improving policy making and practice in healthcare technology in developing countries.

Keywords re-purposing · developing countries · healthcare · educational technology · OERs · Open Educational Resources

Published atLondon
ISSN978 0 86341 916 4
Rights2008 Institution of Engineering and Technology
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What about the teacher? Open educational resources et al
Ferreira, Giselle
Resources (OERs), one with a colleague in my own institution who has a respectable track record in innovative uses of educational technologies, another with a freelance learning facilitator engaged in full-time ...
Match: Ferreira, Giselle; OERs

OpenLearn research report 2006-2008
McAndrew, Patrick; Santos, A.; Lane, Andy; Godwin, Stephen; et al.
This report takes the experience of OpenLearn over its two-years of operation to reflect on what it means to offer free resources and the issues that we have been able to explore and learn from. The structure of the ...
Match: Ferreira, Giselle; Open Educational Resources

Communicating, learning and the in-between: a study of the impact of open-access, informal online learning environments
Ferreira, Giselle
1. The broad aim of this project has been to contribute understandings of the uses of computer-mediated communication in 'informal' (not leading to certification) yet institutionally-hosted online spaces. The project ...
Match: Ferreira, Giselle

A Framework for teaching Ethics to ICS Students and Practitioners using Open Educational Resources
Ferreira, Giselle
This project has exploited findings of a pilot study funded by The Open University's (OU) CETL known as COLMSCT (Centre for Open Learning of Maths, Science, Computing and Technology and ...
Match: Ferreira, Giselle

Open educational resources and teaching in the 21st century: Questions concerning authority
Ferreira, Giselle
As a source of materials for education the Web is, to a large extent, shifting ground. Open Educational Resources (OER) provided by Higher Education Institutions constitute, at least in principle, a reliable category of ...
Match: Ferreira, Giselle

New spaces, new tools, new roles: two case studies on the impact of open educational resources
Ferreira, Giselle
This paper reports on two case-studies on the impact of Open Educational Resources taken from an investigation carried out on OpenLearn, the UK Open University Open Content Initiative funded by the Flora and Hewlett ...
Match: Ferreira, Giselle

Open Educational Resources and web 2.0 for formal learning in Information and Computer Sciences: A case study
Ferreira, Giselle; Wilson, Tina; Okada, Alexandra; Connolly, Teresa; Peters, Scott
The availability of Web 2.0 and open educational resources affords the emergence of novel learning spaces, but debate on these innovations has tended to emphasise technical, logistical, and legal issues. This chapter ...
Match: Ferreira, Giselle

Incorporating quality assurance criteria for OER and Social Networking in the E-xcellence QA methodology
Williams, Keith; Kear, Karen; Rosewell, Jonathan; Ferreira, Giselle
The E-xcellence QA methodology for e-learning ( ) is securing wide recognition by European and international agencies. The methodology presents principles of good practice in six domains of ...
Match: Ferreira, Giselle

Using open educational resources and Web 2.0 tools to support ethical reasoning in information and computer sciences project-based learning
Wilson, Tina; Ferreira, Giselle
This project investigated the use of Web 2.0 tools and Open Educational Resources (OER) to support students engaged in project-based learning in ICS. Capitalising on existing environments, tools and learning resources, ...
Match: Ferreira, Giselle

Reusing, reworking and remixing open educational resources
Lane, Andy; Connolly, Teresa; Ferreira, Giselle; McAndrew, Patrick; et al.
Open educational resources are largely a phenomenon of the Web, although they can be used as offline resources. We have provided a rough guide to the OER world, and OpenLearn in particular in the case study, ...
Match: Ferreira, Giselle