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OpenLearn research report 2006-2008
McAndrew, Patrick · Santos, A. · Lane, Andy · Godwin, Stephen · Okada, Alexandra · Wilson, Tina · Connolly, Teresa · Ferreira, Giselle · Buckingham Shum, Simon · Bretts, J. · Webb, R.

PublishedMay 2009
PublisherThe Open University
CountryUnited Kingdom, Europe

This report takes the experience of OpenLearn over its two-years of operation to reflect on what it means to offer free resources and the issues that we have been able to explore and learn from. The structure of the document is: (1) The OpenLearn initiative - an overview (2) OpenLearn research methods (3) Designing for Open Content (4) Types of user of OpenLearn (5) OpenLearn modes of use

Keywords instructional design · learning resources · open content · Open Educational Resources · stakeholders

Published atMilton Keynes, England
RightsThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 UK: England & Wales Licence.
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Reusing, reworking and remixing open educational resources
Lane, Andy; Connolly, Teresa; Ferreira, Giselle; McAndrew, Patrick; et al.
Open educational resources are largely a phenomenon of the Web, although they can be used as offline resources. We have provided a rough guide to the OER world, and OpenLearn in particular in the case study, ...
Match: McAndrew, Patrick; Lane, Andy; Wilson, Tina; Connolly, Teresa; Ferreira, Giselle; openlearn

Open Educational Resources and web 2.0 for formal learning in Information and Computer Sciences: A case study
Ferreira, Giselle; Wilson, Tina; Okada, Alexandra; Connolly, Teresa; Peters, Scott
The availability of Web 2.0 and open educational resources affords the emergence of novel learning spaces, but debate on these innovations has tended to emphasise technical, logistical, and legal issues. This chapter ...
Match: Okada, Alexandra; Wilson, Tina; Connolly, Teresa; Ferreira, Giselle

The networking effects of OER
Lane, Andy; McAndrew, Patrick; Santos, A.
Open Educational Resources (OER) give an openly available set of content and tools that in principle provide a basis for formal and informal communication and collaboration between groups of individuals around teaching ...
Match: McAndrew, Patrick; Santos, A.; Lane, Andy; openlearn

Behind the scenes with OpenLearn: The challenges of researching the provision of Open Educational Resources
Godwin, Stephen; McAndrew, Patrick; Santos, A.
Open educational resources are defined as technology-enabled educational resources that are openly available for consultation, use and adaptation by users for non-commercial purposes (UNESCO, 2002). OpenLearn is one of ...
Match: McAndrew, Patrick; Santos, A.; Godwin, Stephen; open content

Opening up for OpenLearn: issues in providing open educational resources
McAndrew, Patrick; Santos, Andreia; Godwin, Stephen
The Open University is undertaking a major initiative (OpenLearn) to provide free access to learning material within an environment that allows learners to work with the material and use tools to help make sense of it, ...
Match: McAndrew, Patrick; Godwin, Stephen; openlearn; open content; Open Educational Resources

Knowledge cartography for open sensemaking communities
Buckingham Shum, Simon; Okada, Alexandra; McAndrew, Patrick
Knowledge Cartography is the discipline of visually mapping the conceptual structure of ideas, such as the connections between issues, concepts, answers, arguments and evidence. The cognitive process of externalising ...
Match: McAndrew, Patrick; Okada, Alexandra; Buckingham Shum, Simon; open content

Open educational resources: new directions for technology-enhanced distance learning in the third millenium
Santos, A.; McAndrew, Patrick; Godwin, Stephen
This paper discusses open educational resources (OER) as a way to share knowledge and academic content. It focuses on OpenLearn, the OER initiative of the Open University UK. The paper presents the technological tools ...
Match: McAndrew, Patrick; Santos, A.; Godwin, Stephen

JIME editorial: Researching open content for education
McAndrew, Patrick; Godwin, Stephen; dos Santos, Andreia Inamorato; Okada, Alexandra
This special issue of the Journal of Interactive Media in Education (JIME) builds from selected papers from the OpenLearn2007 conference [1] where researchers were invited to report on their research across themes of ...
Match: McAndrew, Patrick; Godwin, Stephen; Okada, Alexandra

Collaborating over rich media: The Open University and BBC partnership
Lane, Andy; Law, Andrew; Connolly, Teresa; Scott, Peter J.; Okada, Alexandra
Open Educational Resources comprise many types of assets, including rich media. However, dynamic rich media offer different opportunities and challenges for learners, teachers, and higher education institutions alike ...
Match: Lane, Andy; Okada, Alexandra; Connolly, Teresa

Widening participation in higher education through Open Educational Resources
Lane, Andy; Connolly, Teresa; Okada, Alexandra; Scott, Peter J.
This chapter examines the role that open educational resources might play in widening participation in higher education. It begins by highlighting the perceived importance of widening participation in higher education ...
Match: Lane, Andy; Okada, Alexandra; Connolly, Teresa