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The networking effects of OER
Lane, Andy · McAndrew, Patrick · Santos, A.

Conference23rd ICDE World Conference 2009

Open Educational Resources (OER) give an openly available set of content and tools that in principle provide a basis for formal and informal communication and collaboration between groups of individuals around teaching and/or learning. In practice, most communication and collaboration around OER appears to be asynchronous, loosely connected and not sustained. The success of social networking sites is also based upon content and tools to enable and support communication and collaboration. However, that success is seemingly based upon more immediate, closely connected and sustained activities. In both cases much is made of the online, virtual aspects of networking and less about its relationship to offline, real world networking. This paper reviews the experiences with the OpenLearn site from the UK Open University which combines open content within a learning environment that offers tools for communication. Drawing upon the action research findings from its first two years of operation this paper describes examples of individual learners and institutions communicating and collaborating online and considers the influences of offline networks. It examines the motivations behind the communication and collaboration and suggests an emerging typology for such effects depending on who is involved and what the drivers (and restraints) are for their activities.

Keywords distance education · informal learning · social networking · collaboration · Open University · openlearn

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OpenLearn research report 2006-2008
McAndrew, Patrick; Santos, A.; Lane, Andy; Godwin, Stephen; et al.
This report takes the experience of OpenLearn over its two-years of operation to reflect on what it means to offer free resources and the issues that we have been able to explore and learn from. The structure of the ...
Match: Lane, Andy; McAndrew, Patrick; Santos, A.

Pocketing the difference: Joint development of Open Educational Resources
McAndrew, Patrick; Wilson, Tina
Web 2.0 tools and social software are changing the way in which formal and informal learners expect to work with learning resources. In response, educational providers may open up access to existing courses by providing ...
Match: McAndrew, Patrick; informal learning; social networking; openlearn

Reusing, reworking and remixing open educational resources
Lane, Andy; Connolly, Teresa; Ferreira, Giselle; McAndrew, Patrick; et al.
Open educational resources are largely a phenomenon of the Web, although they can be used as offline resources. We have provided a rough guide to the OER world, and OpenLearn in particular in the case study, ...
Match: Lane, Andy; McAndrew, Patrick; openlearn

Open Educational Resources: Innovation, research and practice
Burgos Aguilar, José Vladimir; Cox, Glenda; Czerniewicz, Laura; D'Antoni, Susan; et al.
Open Educational Resources (OER) – that is, teaching, learning and research materials that their owners make free to others to use, revise and share – offer a powerful means of expanding the reach and effectiveness ...
Match: Lane, Andy; McAndrew, Patrick

Are open educational resources systematic or systemic change agents for teaching practice?
Lane, Andy; McAndrew, Patrick
Open educational resources (OER) raise many similar issues for education to those that have surrounded Learning Objects (LO). However the greater use and availability of digital technologies and open licensing seems to ...
Match: Lane, Andy; McAndrew, Patrick

Do I have the right to reuse? The institutional acculturation process of open practices into producing, sharing and repurposing OER
Santos, A.; McAndrew, Patrick
In this presentation we focus on the way open practices are influenced by IPR and copyright issues, drawing on experiences of the Open University's own OER initiative (OpenLearn) and those of our collaborators ...
Match: McAndrew, Patrick; Santos, A.

Collaborating over rich media: The Open University and BBC partnership
Lane, Andy; Law, Andrew; Connolly, Teresa; Scott, Peter J.; Okada, Alexandra
Open Educational Resources comprise many types of assets, including rich media. However, dynamic rich media offer different opportunities and challenges for learners, teachers, and higher education institutions alike ...
Match: Lane, Andy; distance education; collaboration

Behind the scenes with OpenLearn: The challenges of researching the provision of Open Educational Resources
Godwin, Stephen; McAndrew, Patrick; Santos, A.
Open educational resources are defined as technology-enabled educational resources that are openly available for consultation, use and adaptation by users for non-commercial purposes (UNESCO, 2002). OpenLearn is one of ...
Match: McAndrew, Patrick; Santos, A.

Open educational resources: new directions for technology-enhanced distance learning in the third millenium
Santos, A.; McAndrew, Patrick; Godwin, Stephen
This paper discusses open educational resources (OER) as a way to share knowledge and academic content. It focuses on OpenLearn, the OER initiative of the Open University UK. The paper presents the technological tools ...
Match: McAndrew, Patrick; Santos, A.

Reflections on sustaining Open Educational Resources: an institutional case study
Lane, Andy
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Match: Lane, Andy; Open University; openlearn