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Open Educational Resources for management education lessons from experience
Humbert, Marc · Rébillard, Cécile · Rennard, Jean-Philippe

PublishedSeptember 2008
JournaleLearning Papers
Pages 1

Open movements have gained increasing importance in various areas. In this paper we are interested in the particular case of Open Educational Resources (OER) and more specifically in the use of OER in Management Education. We first present the results of a two years length exploratory study concerning facultys knowledge, experience and perception about OER with a particular focus on Management Education. This was so far an unstudied subject and our findings were interesting as a first step of understanding. We pointed out the main motivations and barriers relative to the production and use of OER and showed some significant differences between Economics/Management faculty and other faculty, the first ones being less advanced than the second ones.

Keywords case study · distance learning · e-learning · management education · Open Educational Resources · OpenCim · challenges

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