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The model
Shoop, Jennifer

PublishedFebruary 2012
SeriesGame changers: Education and information technologies
Chapter Case Study 15, Pages 337-342
PublisherEDUCAUSE Publications
EditorOblinger, Diana. G.

ABSTRACT is an open-access online-learning platform that provides self-paced college-level courseware to the public free of charge. The site is funded and maintained by The Saylor Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit institution.

For the past two years, we have focused on building a suite of 241 courses across twelve high-enrollment disciplines. We have recruited over two hundred instructors to design each of our areas of study and their constituent courses so that they are grounded in tried-and-true pedagogical experience; tied to clear, measurable learning outcomes; comprised of top-quality educational resources; and geared toward independent learners.

We believe that our open courseware project is game changing in its scalability: because our courses are designed to be autodidactic and self-paced and all course content is cost-free and open-access, we can serve any English-speaking learner in the world with Internet access and a desire to learn.

Keywords case study · challenges · higher learning · open courseware · research

RightsCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 license © 2012 Jennifer Shoop
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