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All Digital Academy Project: Upskilling Adult Educators on Key Digital Emerging Technologies
Manfredini, Alessia · Casella, Monica · Esposito, Raffaella · Marocco, Davide

PublishedDecember 2024
Conference2024 IEEE International Conference on Metrology for eXtended Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Neural Engineering (MetroXRAINE)
Pages 895-900
CountryItaly, Europe

Recent advances in technology present vast opportunities, yet the European Commission reports that only 56% of people aged 16–74 possess basic digital skills. To bridge this gap, the All Digital Academy (ADA) project targets adult educators, aiming to equip them with emerging digital technology skills. ADA offers online training and resources focused on the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Through MOOCs and a Community of Practice, ADA fosters collaborative learning environments. Initial assessments from the first two cycles of ADA courses demonstrate significant improvements in adult educators' skills, suggesting the intervention's effectiveness. By empowering educators, ADA seeks to enhance digital literacy among EU citizens, contributing to broader digital inclusion efforts and addressing the challenges of digital and green transitions.

Keywords ADA · artificial intelligence · internet of things · MOOC · adult educators

Published atNaples
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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Open educational resources in Italy: Connecting the macro, meso and micro levels, towards a national OER ecosystem
Nascimbeni, Fabio
The chapter presents a snapshot of the state of the art of Open Educational Resources (OER) in Italy. It starts from the macro public policy level, noting that OER are part of the national school policy, to the advocacy ...
Match: MOOC; Italy; Europe

Opportunities and threats of the MOOC movement for higher education: The European perspective
Schuwer, Robert; Jaurena, Ines Gil; Aydin, Cengiz Hakan; Costello, Eamon; et al.
The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) movement is the latest ‘big thing’ in Open and Distance Learning (ODL) which threatens to transform Higher Education. Both opportunities and threats are extensively discussed in ...
Match: MOOC; Europe

The MOOC potential to address European challenges in CPD and continuous education
Pitt, Rebecca; Friedl, Christian; Jansen, Darco; Driha, Oana; et al.
Despite being a relatively new phenomenon, MOOCs have started to be employed not just within higher education systems, but also within a corporate context for recruiting and training of new employees, human resource ...
Match: MOOC; Europe

Open education e modelli di apprendimento flessibile
Menichetti, Laura
La “cultura open” sta cambiando profondamente il settore della formazione in tutto il mondo, nei suoi aspetti formali e non-formali.Il presente contributo mette a fuoco le diverse declinazioni e costruzioni di ...
Match: MOOC; Italy; Europe

MOOC Trasparenza e anticorruzione
Testacen, Graziella; de los Castro, Maria Angeles
Il corso “Trasparenza e Anticorruzione” rivolto ai dipendenti della Pubblica Amministrazione, studenti e ricercatori è stato realizzato dal CSI (Consorzio per il Sistema Informativo) Piemonte in collaborazione con ...
Match: MOOC; Italy; Europe

The MOOCs’ (R)evolution. A policy framework analysis at a European level
Rosa, Rosanna De; Reda, Valentina
Academic institutions all over the world, as well as active stakeholders in the field of education and supporting services, are exploring Moocs to try and understand how learning and teaching environments are changing, ...
Match: MOOC; Italy; Europe

MOOCs and academic libraries: a chance or a problem? An overview
Testoni, Laura
Massive open online courses(MOOCs) are online courses free and open to anyone: the MOOCs enrollement is essentially unlimited. Purpose of this essay is to offer an overview on the debate about the development of the ...
Match: MOOC; Italy; Europe

MOOC, OER e l’approccio “flipped classroom”: due case study di transizione in ambito scolastico e aziendale
Sancassani, Susanna; Casiraghi, Daniela; Corti, Paola; Trentinaglia, Nicoletta
La portata innovativa dei MOOC non esaurisce la sua rilevanza nell’ambito dei processi di apprendimento che si svolgono in rete. Uno dei principali obiettivi che ha mosso grandi università quali Stanford o MIT ad ...
Match: MOOC; Italy; Europe

Assessing the effect of Massive Open Online Courses as remedial courses in higher education
Agasisti, Tommaso; Azzone, Giovanni; Soncin, Mara
The current study assesses the effect of using Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) with the specific goal of providing remedial education. The data refer to an Italian flagship university, Politecnico di Milano, where a ...
Match: MOOC; Italy; Europe

Gli Open Educational Path: per una accezione epistemologica di “apertura”
Calvani, Antonio; Menichetti, Laura
L’e-learning universitario ha visto affermarsi nuovi orientamenti all’insegna di una filosofia di “apertura” (openness) intesa come libero accesso e/o gratuità: i MOOC ne sono l’esempio più noto. È questa ...
Match: MOOC; Italy; Europe