Analysing the impact of built-In and external social tools in a MOOC on educational technologies
Alario-Hoyos, Carlos · Pérez-Sanagustín, Mar · Delgado-Kloos, Carlos · Parada G., Hugo A. · Muñoz-Organero, Mario · Rodríguez-de-las-Heras, Antonio · Hernández-Leo, Davinia [secondary] · Ley, Tobias [secondary] · Klamma, Ralf [secondary] · Harrer, Andreas [secondary]

SeriesLecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 8095, Pages 5–18
PublisherScaling up Learning for Sustained Impact: 8th European Conference, on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2013, Paphos, Cyprus, September 17-21, 2013. Proceedings, Springer Berlin Heidelberg

MOOCs have been a disruptive educational trend in the last months. Some MOOCs just replicate traditional teaching pedagogies, adding multimedia elements like video lectures. Others go beyond, trying to engage the massive number of participants by promoting discussions and relying on their contributions to the course. MOOC platforms usually provide some built-in social tools for this purpose, although instructors or participants may suggest others to foster discussions and crowdsourcing. This paper analyses the impact of two built-in (Q&A and forum) and three external social tools (Facebook, Twitter and MentorMob) in a MOOC on educational technologies. Most of the participants agreed on the importance of social tools to be in touch with their partners and share information related to the course, the forum being the one preferred. Furthermore, the lessons learned from the enactment of this MOOC employing social tools are summarized so that others may benefit from them.

Keywords crowdsourcing · educational technologies · MOOCs · social tools

Published atBerlin, Heidelberg
Rights© Springer International Publishing AG
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