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OER: A Pathway to Enhance Student Access and Motivation
Tolman, Anton O. and Gurell, Seth

Book titleThe Use of Technology in Teaching and Learning
Chapter 14, Pages 153-160
PublisherSociety for the Teaching of Psychology
EditorsHarnish, Richard J. · Bridges, K. Robert · Sattler, David N. · Signorella, Margaret L. · Munson, Michael
CountryUnited States, North America

Some readers may ask why a chapter on OER is included in a book about technology in teaching psychology. Although OER texts can be ordered in print form, the reality is that most of them are downloadable as PDF files, often including embedded links to other digital materials such as TED Talks, YouTube videos, demonstrations, and other useful materials. Additionally, as online education becomes mainstream (Allen & Seaman, 2017) and faculty increase their use of institutional Learning Management Systems (LMS; see Cerniak’s chapter in this volume), the opportunity to integrate OER textbooks directly into digital resources already available to students is growing. This is certainly true inpsychology. Two major sources of OER materials in introductory psychology, NOBA ( and OpenStax (,are digital texts accompanied by a suite of supplementary materials including quizzes, test banks, PowerPoint slides, and other materials. By exploring OER in this chapter, we also are encompassing the use of digital materials in psychology courses.

Keywords OER · textbook · psychology · digital materials

RightsSociety for the Teaching of Psychology
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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College students in Rhode Island have saved nearly $900K on textbooks in a year
Roddy, Kate
Through the same initiative, over 40 professors in the state have adopted openly licensed textbooks.
Match: OER; textbook; United States; North America

Opening up to OERs: Electronic original sourcebook versus traditional textbook in the introduction to American Government Course
Brandle, Shawna M.
Traditional American Government textbooks are expensive and often unpopular with students. New technologies and Open Educational Resources (OERs) open up the potential for change, but questions of quality are ever ...
Match: OER; textbook; United States; North America

Teaching with OER during pandemics and beyond
Van Allen, Jennifer; Katz, Stacy
Purpose Open Educational Resources (OER) are learning materials openly licensed so that others may retain, reuse, revise, remix or redistribute (the 5Rs) these materials. This paper aims to raise awareness of OER by ...
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OER outreach for newbies, part I: What I would do differently
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My library, in partnership with our Center for Teaching and Learning, recently launched a faculty stipend program for faculty interested in either replacing their traditional course materials with OER or sharing their ...
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2016 Florida student textbook & course materials survey
Donaldson, Robin L.; Shen, E.
This is the final version of the 2016 Student Textbook and Course Materials Survey. in 2016, the Office of Distance Learning and Student Services within the statewide Florida Virtual Campus conducted a Student Textbook ...
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Structuring actions for open educational resources adoption
Wang, Shouhong; Wang, Hai
Open educational resources (OER) are growing over the past decade. While OER can make educational resources widely available to all students and educators for free, OER are still untried by the majority of instructors, ...
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Cultivating textbook alternatives from the ground up: One public university’s sustainable model for open and alternative educational resource proliferation
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This note from the field reviews the sustainability of an institution-wide program for adopting and adapting open and alternative educational resources (OAER) at Kansas State University (K-State). Developed in consult ...
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Textbook savings add momentum to Oregon higher ed OER program
An initiative worked so well in the state's community colleges that Oregon plans to expand it to public universities.
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OpenStax grows in popularity, but overall awareness of OER remains low
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Higher ed faculty are increasingly turning to OpenStax for low-cost, openly licensed printed and digital materials for their students.
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Privacy policies can conflict with personalized learning, but they don't have to, NASBE finds
Wait, Patience
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