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Conclusion: Directions for Research in Online Learning Cultures
Goodfellow, Robin · Lamy, Marie-Noelle · Goodfellow, Robin [secondary] · Lamy, Marie-Noelle [secondary]

PublishedJanuary 2009
SeriesContinuum Studies in Education
Pages 170–183
PublisherLearning Cultures in Online Education, Continuum Books

In this chapter, the authors review issues currently under-represented in research on the cultural dimensions of e-learning, such as the institutional cultural hegemony over pedagogy that is enjoyed by Westernized constructions of learning and teaching, identity-work carried out by participants in linguistic and cultural online communication, and issues of power and embodiment in network-based language learning. The Open Educational Resources initiative is identified as a site for future research on learning cultures.

Keywords culture · e-learning · education · language

Published atLondon
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