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MOOCs in Taiwan: The movement and experiences
Yang, Stephen J H. · Huang, Jeff C H. · Huang, Anna Y Q.

PublishedAugust 2016
SeriesLecture Notes in Educational Technology
Edition 1, Chapter 5, Pages 101–116
PublisherOpen education: From OERs to MOOCs, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
EditorsJemni, Mohamed · Kinshuk · Khribi, Mohamed Koutheair
CountryTaiwan, Asia

This chapter will address the reason that MOOCs brought our interests (MOE, The Ministry of Education, Taiwan), and the purpose and core mission of MOOCs in Taiwan, as well as MOOCs mean to the future of education in Taiwan. Taiwan’s MOOCs movement has been developed in two directions, one is led by MOE’s MOOCs project, government-funding projects; the other is inspired by volunteers who come from various universities, K12 schools, and private sectors. Taiwan has very strong research activities of digital learning, and now it is the right time that MOOCs project may benefit from the achievements of previous digital learning activities. Taiwan’s MOOCs movement should cover from K12 to higher education to lifelong learning, and to enterprise learning as well. MOOCs will reform or even revolutionize Taiwan’s education by enabling Taiwan’s Chinese courses on the world’s landscape, and improving pedagogical methods and structures. When MOOCs evolve, the way of learning evolve too. MOOCs are one of the choices students can have. Face-to-face and other online learning will evolve along with MOOCs. For the residential education, it will be changed because of MOOCs. We expect to see more and more blended learning occur especially from campus courses, and more and more collaborative learning, and flipped classrooms. In fact, this pedagogical theory has been practiced in Taiwan from K-12 to higher education. We see more and more progress and look forward to improvements in Taiwan’s education.

Keywords collaborative learning · flipped classroom · MOOCs · self-paced learning · self-regulated learning

ISBNHardcover 978-3-662-52923-2
ISSNeBook 978-3-662-52925-6
Rights© 2016 Springer International Publishing AG
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