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Creating online learning experiences
Crosslin, Matt · Benham, Brett · Dellinger, Justin · Patterson, Amber · Semingson, Peggy · Spann, Catherine · Usman, Brittany · Watkins, Harriet

Published22 June 2018
PublisherMavs Open Press
CountryUnited States, North America

This book provides an updated look at issues that comprise the online learning experience creation process. As online learning evolves, the lines and distinctions between various classifications of courses has blurred and often vanished. Classic elements of instructional design remain relevant at the same time that newer concepts of learning experience are growing in importance. However, problematic issues new and old still have to be addressed. This handbook explores many of these topics for new and experienced designers alike, whether creating traditional online courses, open learning experiences, or anything in between.

Keywords online learning · learning experiences · instructional design

Published atArlington
RightsCC BY-NC
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Teaching Massive, Open, Online, Courses (MOOCs): Tales from the front line
Lowenthal, Patrick; Snelson, Chareen; Perkins, Ross
Very little research has been conducted about what it is like to teach a MOOC. Given this, a mixed methods study, involving a survey of 186 MOOC instructors and 15 follow-up interviews, was conducted to explore the ...
Match: online learning; instructional design; United States; North America

Open educational resources: An analysis of Minnesota State Colleges and Universities student preferences
Kinskey, Caroline; King, Hunter; Miller, Carrie Lewis
The cost of college tuition and textbooks continues to rise and can function as a barrier to education for many students. This study evaluated Minnesota State Colleges and Universities students’ attitudes towards ...
Match: online learning; United States; North America

MOOC makers: Professors’ experiences with developing and delivering MOOCs
Blackmon, Stephanie
Massive open online courses (MOOCs) have been described as purposeful educational resources for teaching, open educational initiatives, competency-based learning, and the like. They have also been described as an agent ...
Match: online learning; United States; North America

Pushing toward a more personalized MOOC: Exploring instructor selected activities, resources, and technologies for MOOC design and implementation
Bonk, Curtis; Zhu, Meina; Kim, Minkyoung; Xu, Shuya; et al.
This study explores the activities, tools, and resources that instructors of massive open online courses (MOOCs) use to improve the personalization of their MOOCs. Following email interviews with 25 MOOC and open ...
Match: instructional design; United States; North America

All things considered: Educational radio as the first MOOCs
Dousay, Tonia A.; Janak, Edward
Those who do not learn history, even educational technology history, are doomed to repeat it. Every windshield has a rear-view mirror: using historical trends can yield lessons and guidance as we navigate the future. ...
Match: online learning; United States; North America

The life between big data log events: Learners’ strategies to overcome challenges in MOOCs
Veletsianos, George; Reich, Justin; Pasquini, Laura A.
Big data from massive open online courses (MOOCs) have enabled researchers to examine learning processes at almost infinite levels of granularity. Yet, such data sets do not track every important element in the learning ...
Match: online learning; United States; North America

Student engagement in massive open online courses
Sinclair, Jane; Kalvala, Sara
Completion rates in massive open online courses (MOOCs) are disturbingly low. Existing analysis has focused on patterns of resource access and prediction of drop-out using learning analytics. In contrast, the ...
Match: online learning; United States; North America

Instructional quality of massive open online courses: A review of attitudinal change MOOCs
Watson, William R.; Watson, Sunnie Lee; Janakiraman, Shamila
This study builds on prior research regarding attitudinal learning MOOCs, and a study examining the quality of MOOCs based on adherence to the first principles of instruction. Nine MOOCs designed for attitudinal ...
Match: instructional design; United States; North America

Grit and intention: Why do learners complete MOOCs?
Wang, Yuan; Baker, Ryan
In recent years there has been considerable interest in how many learners complete MOOCs, and what factors during usage can predict completion. Others, however, have argued that many learners never intend to complete ...
Match: online learning; United States; North America

Making a difference: Choose OER to lower costs and optimize learning
Vignare, Karen; Brosch, Sharon Biederman
The University of Maryland University College (UMUC) has initiated a process to match all course learning outcomes and competencies with open educational resources. UMUC is the largest non-profit public online ...
Match: online learning; United States; North America