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2016 Florida student textbook & course materials survey
Donaldson, Robin L. and Shen, E.

PublishedOctober 2016
PeriodicalPages 1-35
PublisherFlorida Virtual Campus, Florida Virtual Campus
CountryUnited States, North America

This is the final version of the 2016 Student Textbook and Course Materials Survey. in 2016, the Office of Distance Learning and Student Services within the statewide Florida Virtual Campus conducted a Student Textbook and Course Materials Survey with more than 22,000 students of Florida’s public colleges and universities. The purpose of the 2016 Student Course Materials Survey was to identify: (1) The amount of money that Florida students spent on textbooks during the spring 2016 semester. (2) The frequency with which students buy textbooks that are not used, (3) How students are affected by the cost of textbooks. (4) Which study aids students perceive to be the most beneficial to their learning. (5) Identify any changes over time in student responses from previous iterations of the survey.

Research questions:

Question 1: How much do students spend on textbooks and other instructional materials?
Question 2: How many times do students buy textbooks that are not used?
Question 3: How are students affected by the cost of textbooks?
Question 4: What digital study aids do students perceive to be most beneficial to their grades?
Question 5: Compared to the results of the 2012 Student Textbook Survey, what are the differences in the money spent on textbooks?
Question 6: Compared to the results of the 2012 Student Textbook Survey, what are the differences in factors affected by cost of textbooks?
Question 7: Comparing university students and college students, what are the differences in the money spent on textbooks, money spent on course materials, costs covered by financial aid, and the number of textbooks purchased but never used.
Question 8: What are the differences in the money spent on textbooks for students in different degree levels?

Keywords instructional materials · OER · Open textbook

Published atTallahassee, FL.
RefereedDoes not apply
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