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LiveUSB Mediated Education (LUME)
Jurado, Ramón Garrote and Pettersson, Tomas

JournalInternational Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology
Volume 7, Issue 1, Pages 141-144
CountryGuatemala, Cuba, South America

In this article the authors propose LiveUSB Mediated Education (LUME) as a term to describe the packaging of a complete set of course material together with the software necessary to access the material on a portable memory device. It is argued that the method offers a convenient tool to utilize Open Educational Resources (OER) and can significantly improve the availability of education worldwide. The article gives a description of the design and implementation of a course within the project USo+I: Universidad, Sociedad e Innovación financed by the European Union, within the ALFA III program. The course uses only OER and all material is available from USB memory sticks to meet any problems of limited access to computers or internet.

Keywords developing countries · e-learning · engineering education · Learning Management systems

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