MOOC design principles. A pedagogical approach from the learner’s perspective
Published | May 2013 |
Journal | eLearning Papers Volume 33, Issue May 2013, Pages 1-6 |
Publisher | |
Editors | Koskinen, Tapio and Mor, Yishay |
Country | Spain |
The debate around Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) is much more focused on the social, institutional, technological and economical aspects than on the need for development of new pedagogical approaches that provide consistent guidance on how to design for this emergent educational scenario.A new understanding of knowledge production and learning challenges the core of learning design, demanding innovative and appropriate approaches to teaching and learning. We present a set of learning design principles drawn from the learner’s perspective. They focus on empowering learners in networked environments for fostering critical thinking and collaboration, developing competence based outcomes, encouraging peer assistance and assessment through social appraisal, providing strategies and tools for self-regulation, and finally using a variety of media and ICTs to create and publish learning resources and outputs.
Keywords | empowerment · learning design · MOOC · online courses · teaching and learning models |
Published at | Barcelona |
Language | en |
ISSN | 1887-1542 |
Refereed | No |
Rights | by-nc-nd/3.0 |
URL | |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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