Report from the ICDE OER Advocacy Committee's survey 2020: Implementation of the UNESCO recommendation on Open Education Resources (OER)
Published | November 2020 |
Periodical | Pages 1-51 |
Publisher | International Council for Open and Distance Education |
Institution | OER Advocacy Committee |
Country | Norway, Europe |
The ICDE OER Advocacy Committee (OERAC) survey gathered feedback from ICDE stakeholders, members and partners about the status of the UNESCO OER Recommendation's implementation within the first seven months of adoption, and during the educational crisis caused by COVID-19. Global survey results indicate only a few countries took action towards revising their OER policies or frameworks after the UNESCO Recommendation passed. However, responses also suggest most countries already have or were in the process of developing policies for supporting OER integration, development and evaluation, likely before the Recommendation was passed. Furthermore, COVID-19 seemed to catalyze more awareness-raising of OER, and engagement with OER in all regions. OERAC recommends ICDE support research and evaluation around OER work; reinforce communication around existing OER efforts, evaluation measures and incentive structures, and how they further develop in the coming years. ICDE should also strengthen the network and practice around information sharing. When more policy makers and institutions become aware of existing (1) capacity building initiatives, (2) supportive policies, (3) examples of incentive structures and initiatives building more equitable access to quality OER, (4) sustainability models, and (5) examples of monitoring and evaluation efforts, in other countries, it will be easier to adapt these efforts to local needs. Finally, ICDE should undertake a follow-up survey, once there are more implementation efforts to report.Keywords | OER · integration · capacity building · policy · incentives · sustainability |
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