What (use) is a MOOC?
Boyatt, Russell · Joy, Mike · Rocks, Claire · Sinclair, Jane

PublishedAugust 2013
ConferenceThe 2nd International Workshop on Learning Technology for Education in Cloud
SeriesSpringer Proceedings in Complexity
Pages 133-145
PublisherSpringer Netherlands
EditorsUden, Lorna · Tao, Yu-Hui · Yang, Hsin-Chang · Ting, I-Hsien
CountryUnited Kingdom, Europe

The phenomenon of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) has spread with amazing speed. Many universities in the USA and Europe are now joining up with MOOC providers to allow free access to courses. Participant numbers for an individual course may reach hundreds of thousands. Expectations are high for what these courses can achieve in terms of opening access, widening participation and cost saving. In this paper we conduct a literature review to examine what is known about MOOCs (both those following the original connectivist model and the more traditionally didactic variety) and what indications there are that they can live up to such expectations. We discuss concerns arising from the review and identify issues including lack of evidence, absence of pedagogy, lack of support and unrealistic expectations particularly on beginner learners.

Keywords beginner learners · learner support · literature review · MOOC challenges · pedagogy

Published atKaohsiung, Taiwan
Rights© Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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Massive open online courses: A review of usage and evaluation
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