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A tale of two modes: Initial reflections on an innovative MOOC
Sinclair, Jane · Boyatt, Russell · Foss, Jonathan · Rocks, Claire

PublishedSeptember 2014
ConferenceLearning Technology for Education in Cloud: MOOC and Big Data
SeriesCommunications in Computer and Information Science
Pages 49-60
PublisherSpringer International Publishing
EditorsUden, Lorna · Sinclair, Jane · Tao, Yu-Hui · Liberona, Dario
CountryUnited States, North America

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are offered by many universities, with hundreds thousands of people worldwide having registered for one or more of the many available courses. Despite the potential that has been claimed for these courses to transform education, in practice the majority are deeply conservative in maintaining the educational status quo. Lacking innovative pedagogic foundation and with the need for approaches that scale, many courses rely heavily on very traditional methods such as mini-lectures and quizzes. In particular, learner support is proving to be insufficient for many participants. This paper reports initial results and experience from developing and presenting a MOOC which provides both "traditional'' and supported modes. We present the motivation and objectives for the course, discuss initial results and reflect on lessons learned in the process.

Keywords case study · educational status quo · learner support · MOOC

Published atSantiago, Chile
Rights© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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A study of user participation across different delivery modes of a massive open online course
Sinclair, Jane; Boyatt, Russell; Foss, Jonathan; Rocks, Claire
Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are offered by many universities, with hundreds of thousands of people worldwide having registered for one or more of the many available courses. Despite the potential that has been ...
Match: Sinclair, Jane; Boyatt, Russell; Foss, Jonathan; Rocks, Claire; learner support

What (use) is a MOOC?
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Student engagement in massive open online courses
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