GamES MOOC - Conceptual ideas and first steps towards implementation of a MOOC for children
Berkling, Kay · El-Husseny, Abdullrahman · Latt, Dennis · Petrov, Christian · Waigand, Andreas · Walther, Jochen
Published | 2016 |
Conference | Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education Volume 1, Pages 405-412 |
Publisher | INSTICC |
Country | Germany, Europe |
This paper presents conceptual ideas and a first prototype towards establishing a GamES (GAM)ified (E)lementary (S)chool MOOC for children who do not have access to schools. The project is being developed across several Bachelor student projects in collaboration between Cooperative State University, Karlsruhe and the German University of Cairo. A hybrid architecture is designed to support children on mobile devices with intermittent Internet access. Upon access, current learning status and new content are updated. The content consists of leveled games addressing skills defined by the US common core standards for K-5 in subjects Mathematics and English (that can be adapted to other languages). The children's MOOC combines ideas of adaptive user interface, off-line personalized learning, common core standards, and game-based learning. The child's user interface is gamified and after initial registration designed to be manageable for K-5 graders. A second interface addresses the community of game developers who are interested in donating games for certain core skills. In a next step, assessment and government certification of achievements will be tackled. The MOOC software is intended as open source to allow for community development.Keywords | children · common core standard · game-based learning · gamification · K-5 · mLearning · MOOC |
Published at | Rome, Italy |
ISBN | 978-989-758-179-3 |
Refereed | Yes |
Rights | Copyright c 2016 by SCITEPRESS |
DOI | 10.5220/0005857304050412 |
URL | |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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