Researchers from Open University of the Netherlands report details of new studies and findings in the area of computing (the role of knowledge sharing self-efficacy in sharing open educational resources)
Computer Weekly News [corporate]

JournalComputer Weekly News
PublisherCengage Learning
CountryNetherlands, Europe

By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Computer Weekly News – Investigators publish new report on Computing. According to news reporting from Heerlen, Netherlands, by VerticalNews journalists, research stated, "In [...]

Keywords Computing · Europe · Heerlen · Netherlands

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The 2015 open and online education trend report: Perspectives on developments in Dutch higher education
Baas, Marjon; Buitendijk, Simone; van Elk, Lianne; Filius, Renée; et al.
For the fourth consecutive year, the Open Education Special Interest Group and SURFnet have prepared a trend report outlining the latest dynamic developments in the area of open content, open education and – as of ...
Match: Europe; Netherlands

The future of open access publishing in the Netherlands: Constant dripping wears away the stone
Woutersen-Windhouwer, Saskia; Kasper, Wendi Arant; vanDuinkerken, Wyoma
At present, about 20% of the scientific publications worldwide are freely (open-access) available (Björk, Welling, Laakso, Majlender, Hedlund, & Guðnason, 2010) and this percentage is constantly on the rise. In the ...
Match: Europe; Netherlands

Trend report: Open Educational Resources 2013
Gorissen, Pierre; Didderen, Wim; Sloep, Peter; Schuwer, Robert; et al.
The Trend Report: Open Educational Resources 2013 describes trends in open educational resources (OER) and open education in the Netherlands and elsewhere, from the perspective of Dutch higher education. It comprises ...
Match: Europe; Netherlands

Beyond the pioneering phase: Moving towards the adoption of open education
Schuwer, Robert; Wild, Ulrike; Baas, Marjon; van Hees, Janina; et al.
MIT launched the global Open Educational Resources (OER) movement in 2001. The movement gained a major impetus in 2012 following the emergence of MOOCs: free online courses, often offered by leading research ...
Match: Europe; Netherlands

Open and online education incentive scheme
van Hees, Janina; Baas, Marjon; van Hees, Janina; Jacobi, Ria; et al.
An annual incentive scheme is being implemented from 2015 through 2018 as a part of the Open and Online Education programme. The Minister of Education, Culture and Science introduced the scheme in order to provide ...
Match: Europe; Netherlands

What have they done with the MOOCs?! The impact of MOOCs on Campus Education
Cabral, Pedro; van Valkenburg, Willem; Dopper, Sofia; Ubachs, George; Konings, Lizzie
Overview of papers on enhancement of European Higher Education as presented during the Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference in Rome, October 2016 In 2013 Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) ...
Match: Europe; Netherlands

Output 11 SCORE2020: Scenario’s for support of different target groups
The SCORE2020 project focused on (regional) support structures in the development and delivery of Open Education and especially of MOOCs. In total, thirteen intellectual outputs are ...
Match: Europe; Netherlands

Output 12 SCORE2020: Business models for regional support centres
The SCORE2020 project focused on (regional) support structures in the development and delivery of Open Education and especially of MOOCs. In total, thirteen intellectual outputs are ...
Match: Europe; Netherlands

Quality of learning materials, a minimum model for Wikiwijs
Schuwer, Robert
In the Netherlands, Wikiwijs has to be the place where all teachers of the Netherlands, ranging from primary education to higher education, can (co)develop, share, rework and use digital learning materials, published ...
Match: Europe; Netherlands

European and worldwide MOOC projects
de Vries, Fred; Baas, Marjon; van Hees, Janina; Jacobi, Ria; et al.
Since the rise of MOOCs, grateful use has been made of national and European programmes for purposes such as elaborating educational concepts and evaluating the use and influence of MOOCs. A huge number of projects and ...
Match: Europe; Netherlands