A misapplication of MOOCs: Critical pedagogy writ massive
Morris, Sean Michael

PublishedNovember 2014
PeriodicalVolume 2017
PublisherDigital Pedagogy Lab

On November 21 at the OpenEd Conference in Washington, DC, Sean Michael Morris and Jesse Stommel will present on critical digital pedagogy and MOOCs. This is the second of three articles that inspired that talk. The first, Critical Digital Pedagogy: a Definition, appeared on November 18.

Keywords connectivist MOOC · critical digital pedagogy · critical pedagogy · digital pedagogy · distance learning · MOOC · MOOCification · OpenED · paulo freire · peer review

Other number2017-07-04
Access date2017-07-04
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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If Freire made a MOOC: Open education as resistance
Morris, Sean Michael; Stommel, Jesse
On November 21 at the OpenEd Conference in Washington, DC, Sean Michael Morris and Jesse Stommel will present on critical digital pedagogy and MOOCs. This is the second of three articles that inspired that talk. The ...
Match: Morris, Sean Michael; critical digital pedagogy; critical pedagogy; digital pedagogy; MOOC; OpenED; paulo freire; peer review

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Lecture, Open University of Tanzania, 6 August 2013, Presented by Professor Asha Kanwar, Commonwealth of Learning // It is a pleasure and an honour to be at the Open University of Tanzania, which has always been a ...
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The course as container: Distributed learning and the MOOC
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Critics of MOOCs and connected learning environments in general assert that they are too susceptible to neoliberal motivations, that MOOCs propose to replace 1000 local instructors with one famous one, and that the ...
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All things considered: Educational radio as the first MOOCs
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Massive open online courses (MOOCs) have become a prominent feature of the higher education discourse in recent years. Yet, little is known about the effectiveness of these online courses in engaging participants in the ...
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How much OOO in your MOOC?
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