Cloud computing and creativity: Learning on a massive open online course
Published | December 2011 |
Journal | European Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning Issue Special Issue: Creativity and Open Educational Resources (OER), Pages 1-11 |
This paper explores cloud computing and how it might advance learning and teaching, particularly in terms of social creativity and collaborative learning. We present a study of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) – a semi-autonomous learning environment mainly distributed on the cloud – in which Open Educational Resources were produced, researched and shared by participants worldwide. The objective of this research was to explore the level of importance of creativity for learning and then to closely investigate how this creativity might be fostered in such a ‘vast’ educational setting and what factors might be of importance to enhance creativity in open networked learning. Through the participants’ experiences, we discuss the various dynamics and profiles of the participants as they move from being consumers on the environment to becoming ‘producers’ and take creative steps in their learning. More importantly, we identify the elements of the course that need to be in place to encourage and support this move towards more effective creativity and learning. Finally further discussions and conclusions are presented.Keywords | cloud computing · connectivism · creativity · MOOC · networked learning |
ISSN | 1027-5207 |
Refereed | Yes |
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