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Collaborative environments to foster creativity, reuse and sharing of OER
Tosato, Paolo and Bodi, Gianluigi

PublishedDecember 2011
JournalEuropean Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning
Issue Special Issue: Creativity and Open Educational Resources (OER), Pages 1-6

The popularity of ICT within teachers has operated a shift between an individual way of producing resources to be used in class and a social way of doing it. Nowadays teachers do not have to be passive users, but reflective practitioners. To do so it is necessary to foster collaboration between teachers and find a way to improve the circulation of knowledge. We believe that Online Community of Practice could be a place in which, not only teachers can share their knowledge on their professional domain, they can also work collaboratively to create-reuse-remix-share Open Educational Resources (OER) to be used by everyone. Furthermore, Online Communities of Practice are the perfect place where the individual creativity and the social creativity can dialogue and give life to new Best Practices. This paper present a project called CREA.ti in which the individual dimension of each teacher is linked to the social dimension of its practice.

Keywords community of practice · distance & e-learning methodology · Open Educational Resources · pedagogy · social creativity · teachers’ education

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