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Letter to President Obama Calling for OER Policy Commitment [corporate]

PublishedAugust 2015
Type of workLetter
CountryUnited States, North America

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Exclusive: Education officials to announce access to openly licensed content for educators
Lestch, Corinne
The Department of Education, along with major technology companies, are slated to announce that federally funded educational materials will be openly licensed to the public.
Match: OER; policy; United States; North America

Textbook savings add momentum to Oregon higher ed OER program
An initiative worked so well in the state's community colleges that Oregon plans to expand it to public universities.
Match: OER; policy; United States; North America

Obama highlights open education in U.S. Open Government Partnership National Action Plan
Creative Commons
Yesterday at the United Nations, President Barack Obama marked the Open Government Partnership‘s (OGP) third anniversary by announcing that in addition to the commitments outlined in the current U.S. OGP National ...
Match: OER; open government; United States; North America

OER math curriculum from Open Up Resources aces a big test
Wait, Patience
The Illustrative Mathematics curriculum for grades 6-8 has been so well-received that one district switched to it midyear.
Match: OER; policy; United States; North America

Open Educational Resources and collaborative content development: A practical guide for state and school leaders
Patrick, Susan; Bliss, TJ; Tonks, DeLaina
Open Educational Resources and Collaborative Content Development: A Practical Guide for State and School Leaders – written by TJ Bliss, Ph.D. of the Idaho State Department of Education, DeLaina Tonks of the Mountain ...
Match: OER; policy; United States; North America

OER reaches ‘inflection point,’ and states are leading the charge
Tate, Emily
Special report: Changes in policy, perception and technology are propelling Indiana, Michigan, Utah, Washington and other states to build digital libraries for open educational resources.
Match: OER; policy; United States; North America

College students in Rhode Island have saved nearly $900K on textbooks in a year
Roddy, Kate
Through the same initiative, over 40 professors in the state have adopted openly licensed textbooks.
Match: OER; policy; United States; North America

Federal leaders push for open license educational resources
Lestch, Corinne
Obama administration officials pushed for more online educational content to be licensed for free and made available to the public at an event Wednesday at the New America Foundation.
Match: policy; White House; United States; North America

Marking Open and Affordable Courses: Best Practices and Case Studies
Ainsworth, Breeman; Allen, Nicole; Dai, Jessica; Elder, Abbey; et al.
This collaboratively authored guide helps institutions navigate the uncharted waters of tagging course material as open educational resources (OER) or under a low-cost threshold by summarizing relevant state ...
Match: OER; policy; United States; North America

Substituting Open Educational Resources for Commercial Curriculum Materials: Effects on Student Mathematics Achievement in Elementary Schools
Hilton III, John; Larsen, Ross; Wiley, David; Fischer, Lane
Open Educational Resources (OER) have the potential to replace commercial learning materials in education. An empirical examination of this potential was conducted, comparing the end-of-year mathematics test results of ...
Match: OER; policy; United States; North America