Opening the curriculum: Open Educational Resources in U.S. higher education, 2014
Allen, Elaine I. and Seaman, Jeff

PublishedOctober 2014
PublisherBabson Survey Research Group
Original PublicationPlease note under "files attached" infographic for OPENING THE CURRICULUM
CountryUnited States, North America

This report, funded by a grant from The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation with additional support from Pearson, examines the attitudes, opinions, and use of Open Educational Resources (OER) among teaching faculty in U.S. higher education.

Some of the key findings:

* Faculty are not very aware of open educational resources. Depending on the strictness of the awareness measure, between two-thirds and three-quarters of all faculty classify themselves as unaware on OER.

* Faculty appreciate the concepts of OER. When presented with the concept of OER, most faculty say that they are willing to give it a try.

* Awareness of OER is not a requirement for adoption of OER. More faculty are using OER than report that they were aware of the term OER. Resource adoption decisions are often made without any awareness of the specific licensing of the material, or its OER status.

* Faculty judge the quality of OER to be roughly equivalent to that of traditional educational resources. Among faculty who do offer an opinion, three-quarters rank OER quality as the same as or better than traditional resources.

* The most significant barrier to wider adoption of OER remains a faculty perception of the time and effort required to find and evaluate it. The top three cited barriers among faculty members for OER adoption all concern the discovery and evaluation of OER materials.

* Faculty are the key decision makers for OER adoption. Faculty are almost always involved in an adoption decision and — except for rare instances — have the primary role. The only exceptions are in a minority of two-year and for-profit institutions, where the administration takes the lead.

Keywords infographic · OER adoption · OER barriers · OER quality · OER research · OER survey

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