Open educational practices for curriculum enhancement
Armellini, Alejandro and Nie, Ming

PublishedFebruary 2013
JournalOpen Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning
Volume 28, Issue 1, Pages 7 - 20

Open educational resources (OER) and open educational practices (OEP) are relatively new areas in educational research. How OER and OEP can help practitioners enhance curricula is one of a number of under-researched topics. This article aims to enable practitioners to identify and implement appropriate open practices to enhance higher education curricula. To that aim, we put forward a framework of four open educational practices based on patterns of OER reuse (‘as is’ or adapted), mapped against the processes of curriculum design and delivery. The framework was developed from the in-depth analysis of 20 cases of higher education practitioners, which revealed patterns of OER reuse across disciplines, institutions and needs. For each open practice we offer evidence, examples and ideas for application by practitioners. We also put forward recommendations for institutional policies on OER and OEP.

Keywords curriculum delivery · curriculum design · higher education · open educational practices · Open Educational Resources · openness

Rights© Informa Group plc
Other informationOpen Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning
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