Gamification in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) to Support Chinese Language Learning
Metwally, Ahmed Hosny Saleh and Wang, Yining

Conference2017 International Conference of Educational Innovation through Technology (EITT)
Pages 293-298

In recent years, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have a widespread and became one of the future trends to help people from different places to learn online and study courses in different majors. One of the most interesting subjects on MOOCs platforms is Language Learning. The lack of motivation to complete the course after enroling, and completion rates still real problems need to find an innovative solution. Gamification can increase learner motivation to continue studying through MOOCs and can reduce drop-out rates. This research aims at providing a theoretical and practical framework for connecting Gamification in Massive Open Online Chinese Courses and applying Gamification mechanics to support Chinese Language learning through focusing on different perspectives for applying: gamification and instructional design, gamification and course elements, gamifying course interface.

Keywords Gamification · Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) · Massive Open Online Language Courses · MOOLC · Chinese Language Learning · Gamifying Course Interface · Instructional Design

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