Factors influencing learning in MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses)
Holanda, Ana Carla A. and Tedesco, Patrícia C. A. R.

Published20 October 2019
ConferenceSecond Workshop on Advanced Virtual Environments and Education - WAVE2 2019
Pages 1-8
CountryBrazil, South America

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are remote courses that stand out in heterogeneity and quantity of their students. Due to the peculiarity of being massive and the large amount of data generated, it is necessary to identify which factors influence the learning process based on collaboration. Thus, the objective of the research was to identify the variables that can promote autonomous and critical learning. The results of a Systematic Literature Mapping have brought us important evidence in the process of developing a collaborative framework in MOOCs.

Keywords MOOC · autonomous learning · critical learning · collaborative framework

Published atPoços de Caldas
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