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Is the OER movement flawed? Join the debate!
Schmidt, Jan P. · Butcher, Neil · Daniel, John

PublishedApril 2011
PublishereLearning Arica
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Understanding the impact of OER: Achievements and challenges
Hoosen, Sarah; Butcher, Neil; Knyazeva, Svetlana
The publication “Understanding the Impact of OER: Achievements and Challenges” is the result of partnership between the UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (UNESCO IITE) and OER Africa, an ...
Match: Butcher, Neil; Africa

AgShare: Building community and content with multiple partners
Geith, Christine; Butcher, Neil; Vignare, Karen; Yergler, Nathan R.; Alluri, Krishna
Michigan State University and OER Africa are creating a win-win collaboration of existing organizations for African publishing, localizing, and sharing of teaching and learning materials that fill critical resource gaps ...
Match: Butcher, Neil; Africa

Distance education for empowerment and development in Africa
Butcher, Neil; Latchem, Colin; Mawoyo, Monica; Levey, Lisbeth
Match: Butcher, Neil

Understanding Open Educational Resources
Butcher, Neil; Moore, Andrew; Mishra, Sanjaya
The fact that you are reading this lesson suggests that you have heard of open educational resources (OER). Currently, there is a lot of buzz about OER. Some see them as totally revolutionising how we bring learning ...
Match: Butcher, Neil

Open educational resources and change in higher education: Reflections from practice
Glennie, Jenny; Harley, Ken; Butcher, Neil; van Wyk, Trudy
In the last decade in particular, the promotion, sharing and use of open educational resources (OER) have been growing exponentially. However, as with any new phenomenon or paradigm, our knowledge of OER’s ...
Match: Butcher, Neil

Harnessing OER to drive systemic educational change in secondary schooling
Butcher, Neil; Hoosen, Sarah; Moore, Andrew
This paper reports on two action research projects which explored the challenge of determining the conditions under which use of OER can drive a transformative educational agenda in schooling systems. At St Peter’s ...
Match: Butcher, Neil

Changing the trajectory: Quality for opening up education
Creelman, Alastair; Shamarina-Heidenreich, Tatiana; Stracke, Christian M.; Kear, Karen; et al.
The jointly-organised EFQUEL Innovation Forum (EIF) 2014 and International Learning Innovations and Quality (LINQ) Conference took place in Crete on 7-9 May. The event addressed innovations and quality in lifelong ...
Match: Daniel, John

Are MOOCs the long-awaited technological revolution in higher education?
Daniel, John; Uvalić-Trumbić, Stamenka
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are a portent of the potential of online learning and teaching to transform higher education. The University of Manitoba offered the first online course to bear the name MOOC in 2008. ...
Match: Daniel, John

The virtual university for small states of the commonwealth
West, Paul G.; Daniel, John
The Virtual University for Small States of the Commonwealth (VUSSC) was conceived by ministers at their triennial Conference of Commonwealth Ministers of Education in 2000. The Commonwealth of Learning was asked to ...
Match: Daniel, John

International online courses: Issues of global quality assurance, multi-country collaboration and open educational resources
Uvalić-Trumbić, Stamenka; Daniel, John; West, Paul
If international online courses are to play a significant role in the expansion of education they must be placed within a global framework of quality assurance and qualifications recognition that inspires confidence. We ...
Match: Daniel, John