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MOOCs, Open Access repositories: New ways to embed learning in professional networks
Truyen, Frederik

PublishedOctober 2017
ConferenceHigher Education for the Future; “Accelerating and Strengthening Innovation”, The Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference 2017 - Proceedings
Pages 226-235
EditorsUbachs, George and Konings, Lizzie
CountryUnited Kingdom, Europe

In this paper I will discuss how Open Access repositories developed in the context of large networks such as Europeana and the delivery format of MOOCs can together offer a promising new strategy to connect learning to professional networks. I will present a development template for networked MOOC creation using Open Access resources for learner-centered experiences.

In the digital world, large-scale repositories aim to bring scientific resources as well as results together in a way that facilitates and optimizes access. These repositories prove not only highly successful to share scientific results, they are also an ideal means to connect to the professional field, as is clearly shown in Europeana, where the initiative comes from the participating Cultural Heritage institutions (Libraries, Archives, Galleries, Museums, …) but where many of the users are situated in the academic field, be it researchers or students.

However, in classical training curricula these resources are often only used when needed and for very specific needs, e.g. a casual research into a particular set of documents needed to write a paper or assignment. They are as such not basic components in the development of learning strategies for the students. In the best
scenario, they are part of the delivery or teaching strategy. In fact, for most students these large repositories – part of the so-called “digital library” at their institution, are just extra learning materials, tools that they quite passively use to find information.

Keywords digital repositories · learner-centred design · MOOCs · OER · open access

Published atMilton Keynes, UK
RightsAttribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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