Engaging with OER at universities
Montes Soldado, Rosana · Gea Megías, Miguel · Dondi, Claudio

JournalEdmetic: Revista de Educación Mediática
Volume 3, Issue 2, Pages 7-28
PublisherUniversidad de Córdoba, UCOPress
CountrySpain, Europe

At present, there is great interest over the concept of Open Educational Resources (OER) in all of its forms: OpenCourseware repositories OCW, spare open resources, or even more recently as Massive Online Open Courses (also called MOOC). This panorama has generated considerable debate about their effectiveness in terms of learning, sustainability and especially the role that higher education institutions play in this context. We understand that students are involved on formal and informal learning activities, and require universities should have new model to recognize their skills and abilities on these scenarios. One case study is the MOOC learning framework, where universities are interested but there are nowadays some doubts and fears about the official recognition as a usual learning activity. In this article we analyse some data from the activity in an Open Course developed in the University of Granada and the implications regarding learning skills and recognition. Finally, we link this approach with the studies given in the Open Learning Framework developed within the European project OERtest, in which five higher education institutions have conducted a pilot on this issue. We can offer some conclusions regarding the feasibility of certifying and award credits to a student.

Keywords certification · MOOC · Open Educational Resources · open learning · recognition · special aspects of education

Published atCordoba, Spain
RightsCopyright edmetic, Revista de Educación Mediática
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