Will MOOCs kill university degrees?
The Economist [corporate]

Published2 October 2013
JournalThe Economist

Keywords aMOOC · higher education · innovation · MOOC

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Open Education: Introduction to selected papers
Gil-Jaurena, Inés
This issue of Open Praxis compiles selected papers presented at the Open Education Consortium Global Conference, held in Cape Town (South Africa) on March 8-10, 2017. Additionaly, the Innovative Practice section ...
Match: university; higher education; MOOC

Measuring the degree of innovation in education through the implementation of an indicator based on analyzing MOOC-related activities
Alvarez-Rodríguez, Jose María; de Amescua, Antonio; García-Guzman, Javier; Sánchez-Segura, Maribel; et al.
Nowadays, the digital transformation is affecting any task, activity, process that is done in any organization or even in our daily life activities. The education sector, considered as one of the leading sectors in ...
Match: university; innovation; MOOC

Impacts of MOOCs on online learning and campus-based course design
Phan, Trang; Tomei, Lawrence; Milheim, Karen L.
There are two lines of expert debates on whether MOOCs could improve the overall quality of college and university education in America. Experts like Fiona Hollands believe MOOCs have made positive influence in ...
Match: higher education; innovation; MOOC

Open education e modelli di apprendimento flessibile
Menichetti, Laura
La “cultura open” sta cambiando profondamente il settore della formazione in tutto il mondo, nei suoi aspetti formali e non-formali.Il presente contributo mette a fuoco le diverse declinazioni e costruzioni di ...
Match: university; MOOC

Gli Open Educational Path: per una accezione epistemologica di “apertura”
Calvani, Antonio; Menichetti, Laura
L’e-learning universitario ha visto affermarsi nuovi orientamenti all’insegna di una filosofia di “apertura” (openness) intesa come libero accesso e/o gratuità: i MOOC ne sono l’esempio più noto. È questa ...
Match: university; MOOC

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in Sub-Saharan African Higher Education Landscape: A Bibliometric Review
Yunusa, Abdullahi Abubakar; Umar, Irfan Naufal; Bervell, Brandford; Cvetković, Dragan Mladen
In this study, we examined articles focused on Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) implemented in the sub-Saharan African (SSA) Higher Education context that describes the different models of MOOCs enacted as an ...
Match: higher education; MOOC

Construction of MOOC platforms in China
Zheng, Qinhua; Chen, Li; Burgos, Daniel
MOOC platforms in China have achieved quite some scale in China with its development since 2012. Built either by universities or enterprises on their own, or by regional coalitions or school–enterprise partnerships, ...
Match: higher education; MOOC

The return of the MOOC: Established education providers v new contenders
The Economist
Match: The Economist

Tracking online and distance education in Canadian universities and colleges: 2018 Canadian national survey of online and distance education public report
Canadian Digital Learning Research Association
Executive Summary The first comprehensive survey of online and distance learning in Canadian public post-secondary institutions, covering all types of institution and every province and territory, was conducted in ...
Match: higher education; MOOC

Why openess in education?
Wiley, David A.; Green, Cable; Oblinger, Diana. G.
In this chapter, we explore a number of ways openness affects the practices of teaching and learning and the motivations behind supporters of these emergent practices. We discuss the three principal influences of ...
Match: higher education; MOOC