Implementing OER in the Z-Degree Program at Tidewater Community College, Virginia, USA
McGreal, Rory

Published16 January 2018
PeriodicalVolume 2018, Section Tools and Trends
PublisherContact North/Contact Nord
CountryUnited States, North America

Tidewater Community College (TCC), one of 23 colleges in the Virginia Community College System, was founded in 1968 and is the 14th largest public two-year community college in the United States (U.S.).
The main impetus for the Z-Degree initiative is the continually rising cost of textbooks, which often resulted in students not purchasing course resources.
The TCC OER project goals were to improve student success through increased access and affordability, and improve teaching efficiency and effectiveness through the ability to focus, analyze, augment, and evolve course materials directly aligned to course learning outcomes (Tidewater Community College, 2016).

This article discusses the benefits, challenges and potential of implementing OER at this institution.

More articles can be found at Contact North/Contact Nord:

Keywords collaboration · course creation · Faculty experience · OER benefits · OER textbooks

Other number2018-01-23
RefereedDoes not apply
Access date2018-01-23
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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