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Open educational resources in Europe: A triptych of actions to support participation in higher education
Kirschner, Paul A. · Varvick, Peter · van Dorp, Cornelis Adrianus · Lane, Andy

ConferenceProceedings: Conference: Open Education 2006 Community, Culture & Content. Center for Open and Sustainable Learning (COSL)
CountryUnited States, Europe

In contrast to the face-to-face learning of campus based universities and the focus on traditional students, distance teaching universities focus on a mix of distance learning, e-learning, open learning, virtual mobility, learning communities, and the integration of earning and learning. In doing so, they are taking a leading role in helping to increase and widen participation in lifelong open and flexible learning in higher education by non-traditional groups. This paper discusses three leading-edge European Open Educational Resource initiatives. The initiatives are special in nature and differ from the offers of traditional universities in the sense that they: consist of pedagogically-rich learning materials, specifically designed and developed for distance learning and intended for independent self-study; are compiled in the national languages, with the EADTU initiative being multilingual, reflecting the European dimension; and, support and are supported by the policies of the national governments and the European Commission.

Keywords distance education · higher education · Lifelong Learning · national educational policy · non-English OER · self-learners resources

Published atNorth Logan, UT
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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Collaborating over rich media: The Open University and BBC partnership
Lane, Andy; Law, Andrew; Connolly, Teresa; Scott, Peter J.; Okada, Alexandra
Open Educational Resources comprise many types of assets, including rich media. However, dynamic rich media offer different opportunities and challenges for learners, teachers, and higher education institutions alike ...
Match: Lane, Andy; distance education; higher education

Diffusion and adoption of Open Educational Resources
Lane, Andy; van Dorp, Cornelis Adrianus
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Match: van Dorp, Cornelis Adrianus; Lane, Andy

MultiCampus Open Educational Resources: The case of OER-HE
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In this paper we address the implementation strategies regarding Open Educational Resources within a multicampus setting. A comparison is made between 3 institutions that are taking a very different approach: ...
Match: van Dorp, Cornelis Adrianus; higher education; Europe

The networking effects of OER
Lane, Andy; McAndrew, Patrick; Santos, A.
Open Educational Resources (OER) give an openly available set of content and tools that in principle provide a basis for formal and informal communication and collaboration between groups of individuals around teaching ...
Match: Lane, Andy; distance education

The impact of openness on bridging educational digital divides
Lane, Andy
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Match: Lane, Andy; higher education

Widening participation in higher education through Open Educational Resources
Lane, Andy; Connolly, Teresa; Okada, Alexandra; Scott, Peter J.
This chapter examines the role that open educational resources might play in widening participation in higher education. It begins by highlighting the perceived importance of widening participation in higher education ...
Match: Lane, Andy; higher education

Open Educational Resources: Innovation, research and practice
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Open Educational Resources (OER) – that is, teaching, learning and research materials that their owners make free to others to use, revise and share – offer a powerful means of expanding the reach and effectiveness ...
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Adding flexibility to higher education using OERs: Lessons from the Open University
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How OER support lifelong learning
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