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Offenheit: Poster zur Nacht des Wissens Hamburg 2015
Hapke, Thomas · Rajski, Beate · Bieler, Detlev

PublishedNovember 2015
Type of workposter presentations
CountryGermany, Europe

Die Posterserie zum Thema Offenheit wurde von der Universitätsbibliothek der Technischen Universität Hamburg für die Nacht des Wissens am 7. November 2015 erstellt. Sie enthält die Poster

Offenheit vonWissen
Open Access
Open Access Publizieren
Offene Inhalte - Creative Commons Lizenzen
TUBdok: Open Access Repository der TUHH
Offene Bildung - Open Educational Resources
Zur Geschichte der Offenheit des Wissens

The poster series on openness was created by the University Library of the Technical University of Hamburg for the Night of Knowledge on November 7, 2015. It contains the posters

Openness of knowledge
Open access
Open Access Publishing
Open Content - Creative Commons licenses
TUBdok: Open Access Repository of the TUHH
Open Education - Open Educational Resources
On the history of the openness of knowledge

Keywords Nacht des Wissens · OER · offenheit · open access · open access publishing · open publishing · TUBdok · TUHH

Published atHamburg
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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Open Education: Auf dem Weg zu einer offenen Hochschulbildung
Deimann, Markus
»Open Education«, also das bildungspolitische Ziel, Bildung frei verfügbar zu machen, ist Gegenstand eines lebendigen Diskurses. Markus Deimann gibt einen systematischen Überblick zum Thema »Offene Bildung/Open ...
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A critical take on OER practices: Interrogating commercialization, colonialism, and content
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In Brief Both Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Access (OA) are becoming more central to many librarians’ work and the core mission of librarianship, in part because of the perceived relationship between ...
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Public expenditure in education in Latin America. Recommendations to serve the purposes of the Paris Open Educational Resources Declaration
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Assessment challenges in open learning: Way-finding, fork in the road, or end of the line?
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Growing global commitments to open learning through the use of Open Educational Resources (OERs) are accompanied by concerns over what “to do” with that learning when learners present it to traditional institutions ...
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Open access and OER in Latin America: A survey of the policy landscape in Chile, Colombia and Uruguay
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This chapter presents an overview of the mechanisms (funding, policy, legislative and procedural) adopted by Latin American governments with respect to Open Access and Open Educational Resources (OER) initiatives in the ...
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Recursos educativos abiertos: Repositorios y uso
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Resumen: Se presenta una revisión bibliográfica, estado del arte, historia, características, desarrollo, proyectos y líneas de investigación de los recursos educativos abiertos (OERs), así como su disposición en ...
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Open access scholarly publications as OER
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This article presents the rationale, common practices, challenges, and some personal anecdotes from a journal editor on the production, use, and re-use of peer-reviewed, scholarly articles as open educational resources ...
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MOOCs, Open Access repositories: New ways to embed learning in professional networks
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In this paper I will discuss how Open Access repositories developed in the context of large networks such as Europeana and the delivery format of MOOCs can together offer a promising new strategy to connect learning to ...
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“I find the whole enterprise daunting”: Staff understanding of Open Education initiatives within a UK university
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Localizing OER in Afghanistan: Developing a multilingual digital library for Afghan teachers
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The Darakht-e Danesh (‘knowledge tree’) Online Library is the first open educational resource (OER) initiative in Afghanistan, established to enhance teacher subject-area knowledge, access and use of learning ...
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