Open textbook publishing
Published | October 2013 |
Journal | Academe Volume 99, Issue 5 |
Publisher | American Association of University Professors |
Country | United States, North America |
Who is best suited to control textbooks: the faculty or the publishers? There are ways to make sure it is the faculty.Keywords | academic control · academic freedom · affordable textbooks · faculty publishing · open licences · Open textbook |
Published at | Washington, DC |
Refereed | Yes |
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The status quo bias and the uptake of open access
Cantrell, Melissa; Collister, Lauren
In this paper we argue that the framing of open access through language adopted by a variety of stakeholders serves to inhibit the uptake of open access publishing through the mechanisms of complexity and cognitive ...
Match: publishing; United States; North America
OER: A Pathway to Enhance Student Access and Motivation
Tolman, Anton O.; Gurell, Seth; Harnish, Richard J.; Bridges, K. Robert; et al.
Some readers may ask why a chapter on OER is included in a book about technology in teaching psychology. Although OER texts can be ordered in print form, the reality is that most of them are downloadable as PDF files, ...
Match: textbook; United States; North America
Images and the open educational resources (OER) movement
Perez, Jorge Enrique
With the growing interest in faculty publication in Open Educational Resources (OER), librarians have not only been tasked in becoming well versed in locating OER materials for instructors but also assisting with ...
Match: publishing; United States; North America
College students in Rhode Island have saved nearly $900K on textbooks in a year
Roddy, Kate
Through the same initiative, over 40 professors in the state have adopted openly licensed textbooks.
Match: textbook; United States; North America
2012 Faculty and Administrator Open Educational Resources Survey
Donaldson, Robin; Nelson, David; Thomas, Eric
To examine the open educational resources (OER) climate in Florida’s postsecondary institutions, the Florida Distance Learning Consortium (FDLC) conducted an online survey of higher education faculty and staff between ...
Match: textbook; United States; North America
Opening up to OERs: Electronic original sourcebook versus traditional textbook in the introduction to American Government Course
Brandle, Shawna M.
Traditional American Government textbooks are expensive and often unpopular with students. New technologies and Open Educational Resources (OERs) open up the potential for change, but questions of quality are ever ...
Match: textbook; United States; North America
Fixing the broken textbook market
Nagle, Cailyn; Vitez, Kaitlyn; U.S. PIRG Education Fund
The high price of college textbooks remains one of the most significant out of pocket expenses for students. The cost of textbooks has increased at three times the rate of inflation, and although that trend seems to ...
Match: textbook; United States; North America
Affordable textbooks: A policy guide
Senack, Ethan; The Student Public Interest Research Groups; U.S. PIRG Education Fund
The purpose of this guide is to provide policy guidance to thought-leaders and decision-makers from all levels of institutions and government – from individual campuses considering policies that support open textbook ...
Match: affordable textbooks; United States; North America
Part one - OER adoption in an American History course: Impact on student outcomes and behaviors and relation to institutional metrics
Beile, Penny; deNoyelles, Aimee; Raible, John
This 2019 ACRL proceeding consists of two parts. The first describes a collaboration between librarians and instructional designers to promote affordable textbooks and includes results of a study investigating the ...
Match: affordable textbooks; United States; North America
Free textbooks gain support among campus tech leaders
Wexler, Ellen
COLLEGE TECHNOLOGY officials appear more optimistic these days about open-source textbooks and open educational resources –teaching and learning materials that can be used at no cost. According to the latest ...
Match: United States; North America