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University of Toronto instructors’ experiences with developing MOOCs
Najafi, Hedieh · Rolheiser, Carol · Harrison, Laurie · Håklev, Stian

PublishedJune 2015
JournalThe International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning
Volume 16, Issue 3, Pages 233-255
CountryCanada, North America

We interviewed eight University of Toronto (U of T) instructors who have offered MOOCs on Coursera or EdX between 2012 and 2014 to understand their motivation for MOOC instruction, their experience developing and teaching MOOCs, and their perceptions of the implications of MOOC instruction on their teaching and research practices. Through inductive analysis, we gleaned common motivations for MOOC development, including expanding public access to high quality learning resources, showcasing U of T teaching practices, and attempting to engage MOOC learners in application of concepts learned, even in the face of constraints that may inhibit active learning in MOOC contexts. MOOC design and delivery was a team effort with ample emphasis on planning and clarity. Instructors valued U of T.

Keywords Faculty experience · MOOC Design · MOOC development

Other number3
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