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Towards a model of engaging online students: Lessons from MOOCs and four policy documents
Hew, Khe Foon

PublishedJune 2015
JournalInternational Journal of Information and Education Technology
Volume 5, Issue 6, Pages 425 - 431

The paper describes a model of engaging students in fully online or blended learning environments. To do this, I first discuss the notion of student engagement and how it relates to the Self-Determination Theory of motivation. Next, I reviewed a number of online learning policy guidelines from four professional councils around the world in order to elicit specific guidelines related to the design of online learning courses, and student engagement. Following that, I analyzed two most highly-rated MOOCs. I analyzed the structural features of the two MOOCs and the comments of both participants who completed the courses, and who partially completed or dropped out. Altogether, comments from 839 participants were examined. Finally, using these empirical data and the policy guidelines from the four professional organizations, I outline a rudimentary model of engaging students in online learning courses, based on six major instructional design elements.

Keywords blended learning · e-learning · engagement · instructional design · massive open online learning · MOOCs · motivation · online learning · self-determination theory

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