Challenges of collaborative knowledge creation: Work with shared objects
Paavola, Sami

PublishedJuly 2014
SeriesAdvancing Technology Enhanced Learning
Chapter 7, Pages 104-114
PublisherReusing Open Resources Learning in Open Networks for Work, Life and Education, Routledge
EditorsPegler, Chris and Littlejohn, Allison
ISSNPrint ISBN: 9780415838689 eBook ISBN: 9780203780190
Rights© 2015 – Routledge
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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Building a community for developing OERs
Botes, Corne; Ferreira, Frances
The transition to lower secondary education is now at the centre of the Education for All agenda in many countries. As more children are progressing through primary school the demand for secondary school places is ...
Match: challenges

Open archives and institutional repositories for Open Educational Resources: Challenges ahead for Turkish universities
Tonta, Yasar
The “Open” movement is radically changing the the ways by which universities do science, educate students, serve the public and conduct business within the last decade. It started with the use of open source ...
Match: challenges

Sharing and reuse in OER: Experiences gained from open reusable learning objects in health
Windle, Richard J.; Wharrad, Heather; McCormick, Damion; Laverty, Helen; Taylor, Michael G.
The open educational resource (OER) movement has the potential to have a truly transformative effect on higher education, but in order to do so it must move into the mainstream and facilitate widespread participation in ...
Match: challenges

Bridging the Bandwidth Gap: Open Educational Resources and the Digital Divide
Haßler, B.; Jackson, A M.
Match: challenges

Open educational resources (OER): Opportunities and challenges for Indian higher education
Dutta, Indrajeet
Creation of knowledge workers holds key for success of a country. Unfortunately, many of the countries though having chain of human resources yet are unable to transform human resources to their advantage as they face ...
Match: challenges

Forward, Mary Lou; Oblinger, Diana. G.
OpenCourseWare (OCW) and open educational resources (OER) are based on the simple yet powerful idea that free and open sharing in education can drive improvements in teaching and learning around the world. Sharing this ...
Match: challenges

The potential of Open Educational Resources
Wilson-Strydom, Merridy; OER Africa
The Potential of Open Educational Resources Concept Paper Prepared by OER Africa This study commences with a brief overview of the historical context in which current higher education systems in Sub-Saharan Africa have ...
Match: challenges

OER synthesis and evaluation: Pilot programme final report: Pilot phase benefits realisation
Committee, Joint Information Systems
Match: challenges

Open Educational Resources in e-Learning
Dinevski, Dejan; Fošnarič, Samo; Arh, Tanja
Open educational resources in e-learning are the future source of information for lifelong learners. Open source and open standards are defined as the basis of the "Open educational resource movement" that is beginning ...
Match: challenges

OER copyright and licensing toolkit: A guide for higher education institutions interested in creating and using Open Educational Resources
South African Institute for Distance Education; OER Africa
This toolkit is aimed at higher education stakeholders who are working with Open Educational Resources (OER). It explains the notion of copyright and describes the different licensing options available to the ...
Match: challenges