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Learner generated content: Quality criteria in online collaborative learning
Pérez-Mateo, Maria · Maina, Marcelo F. · Guitert, Montse · Romero, Marc · eLearn Center (UOC) [corporate]

PublishedDecember 2011
JournalEuropean Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning
Issue Special Issue: Creativity and Open Educational Resources (OER), Pages 1-12

This study focuses on quality in a Learner Generated Content (LGC). The main objective is to identify and describe the criteria supporting the quality of the creation of content by those learners working together in an online environment. Contrasting a literature review and learners’ perception, we propose a quality criteria framework for LGC organized in three clusters: content, format and process. Emphasis on both process and end product highlights the LGC’s twofold intention of being useful as a creative new pedagogical strategy and as a way to share educational resources imbued with the learner’s voice and perception.

Keywords collaborative learning · learner generated content · online learning · quality criteria · wiki

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