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Exploring faculty use of open educational resources at British Columbia post-secondary institutions
Jhangiani, Rajiv S. · Pitt, R. · Hendricks, Christina · Key, Jessie · Clint Lalonde

PublishedJanuary 2016
PeriodicalPages 1-40
PublisherBCcampus Research Report
CountryCanada, North America

How do faculty in British Columbia use Open Educational Resources (OER)? What are some of the ways in which they are using OER, and what are some of the barriers they face when using OER? A new research paper published today by BCcampus looks at these questions.
Led by the 2015 BC Open Textbook Faculty Fellows (Rajiv S. Jhangiani, Ph.D., KPU, Christina Hendricks, Ph.D., UBC and Jessie Key, Ph.D., VIU) and in collaboration with the OER Hub (Rebecca Pitt, Ph.D.), this research project examines the use of OER by post-secondary faculty in British Columbia, including their motivations and perceptions, as well as what factors help to enable or act as challenges for OER use and adaptation.
Although the findings provide a snapshot of the BC post-secondary system as a whole, the research also explore similarities and differences in OER use among faculty across three types of institution in British Columbia: research-intensive universities, teaching-intensive universities, and colleges/institutes.

Keywords institutional support of OER · OER barriers · OER best practices · OER Hub · OER policy · OER research · Open Textbook Project · open textbooks

Published atVictoria, BC
RefereedDoes not apply
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