The role of Open Access and Open Educational Resources: A distance learning perspective
Hatzipanagos, Stylianos and Gregson, Jon

PublishedMarch 2015
JournalElectronic Journal of e-Learning
Volume 13, Issue 2, Pages 96-104

The paper explores the role of Open Access (in licensing, publishing and sharing research data) and Open Educational Resources within Distance Education, with a focus on the context of the University of London International Programmes. We report on a case study where data were gathered from librarians and programme directors relating to existing practice around Open Access; the major constraints in using Open Educational Resources and the main resource implications, when adopting Open Educational Resources, were also investigated. Our aim was to (a) raise awareness and understanding of what is possible to achieve in higher education by embracing the Open Access movement (b) identify next steps and actions that could be taken to improve institutional use of Open Access materials, including Open Educational Resources, (c) examine the implications of such actions for Open Distance Learning and generally the higher education sector. Our investigation highlighted some opportunities and the findings resulted into some clear recommendations that emerged both for practitioners and for students in this area. There seems to be a clear synergy between the different but related movements of Open access and OERs as both have to address issues of ease of access, quality and visibility in order to become accepted in higher education.

Keywords open access · open access publishing and licensing · open and distance learning · open education · Open Educational Resources

Accession number102020648
RightsCopyright © 2003-2015 Electronic Journal of e-Learning
Other informationEJEL
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