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The Open Educational Resources Impact Map: researching impact through openness and collaboration
Farrow, Rob

Published5 August 2014
Type of workBlog post
PeriodicalVolume 2015
PublisherLSE Impact of Social Sciences blog, The London School of Economics and Political Science

Much sharing and use of open educational resources (OER) is relatively informal, difficult to observe, and part of a wider pattern of open activity. What the open education movement needs is a way to draw together disparate fragments of evidence into a coherent analytic framework. Rob Farrow provides background on a project devoted to consolidating efforts of OER practitioners by inviting the open community to contribute directly and submit impact narratives. Through the mapping of these contributions, the data can continue to grow iteratively and support the decisions made by educators, students, policymakers and advocates.

Keywords academic communication · higher education · impact · OER Research Hub · open access movement · open licensing

RefereedDoes not apply
Access dateJanuary 6, 2015
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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