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OER as a scholarly activity within staff development accredited courses
Browne, Tom

PublishedJuly 2011
PeriodicalPages 1-11
PublisherSCORE Fellowship
CountryUnited Kingdom, Europe

Tom's project ran from 1st  August  2010  until  the  30th  June  2011,  the  aim  of  the  project  was  to   embed  OER  into  early  career  staff  development  his  original  plan  is  outlined  at:­‐browne

Keywords business case · case study · OER challenges · OER policy · professional development · research project

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Tom Browne Tom Browne SCORE Fellowship Final Report - Web Version.pdf · 204.7KB19 downloads

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Authorship and use of OER as academic practice for research
Highton, Melissa
Melissa’s project ran from 20th September 2010 until the 18th September 2011, the aim of the project was to examine policy and practice for OER creation in the context of research led institutions: ...
Match: case study; OER policy; research project; United Kingdom; Europe

Open Exeter final report
Browne, Tom
This project explored, in an Exeter context, the potential benefits and challenges of giving worldwide access to high quality and research-informed learning and teaching resources. Our project has provided a testbed for ...
Match: Browne, Tom; business case; case study

The practical sandpit
Hatherly, Paul
Paul’s project ran from 1st October 2010 until the 30th September 2011, the aim of the project was to examine and develop means by which virtual laboratory resources can be rapidly created by HE practitioners, ...
Match: case study; research project; United Kingdom; Europe

Investigating the use of Open Educational Resources among early-career university lecturers
Reedy, Gabriel
Gabriel’s project ran from 2nd January 2011 until the 31st December 2011, the aim of the project was to explore in some depth the ways in which OERs could be used in traditional university settings for innovative ...
Match: case study; research project; United Kingdom; Europe

What are OERs and MOOCs and what have they got to do with prep?.
Power, Alison; Coulson, Kathryn
As technology advances and becomes more accessible, it offers midwives a greater variety of ways to meet prep (continuing professional development (CPD)) standards (Nursing and Midwifery Council, 2011) and, at the end ...
Match: professional development; United Kingdom; Europe

University College Falmouth openSpace JISC OER project final report
di Savoia, Alex
The innovation capital for the openSpace pilot rests on two key components: 1) subject matter; and 2) its community approach to open education. Both are key elements in the level of interest the openSpace project has ...
Match: business case; case study; professional development

The development of MOOCs: Irish country report
Costello, Eamon; Brown, Mark; HOME Project; European Association for Distance Teaching Universities
This paper summarises the Irish response to the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) movement through integrating a number of data sources, including the findings from a recent institutional survey. In reflecting on the ...
Match: case study; OER policy; Europe

Open educational resources at Notre Dame University, Louaize, Lebanon
McGreal, Rory
Notre Dame University-Louaize (NDU) in Lebanon is a Catholic private, non-profit institution of higher education organized according to the American system of higher education. The main driver for the adaptation of OER ...
Match: case study; professional development; Europe

Current status of the MOOC movement in the world and reaction of the Turkish higher education institutions
Aydin, Cengiz Hakan; HOME Project; European Association for Distance Teaching Universities
Match: case study; OER policy; Europe

Open engagement through open media, commissioned HEA/JISC Open Educational Resources Case Study: Pedagogical development from OER practice
Lane, Andy; Law, Andrew
This case study outlines and characterises the broad range of public engagement activities using media technologies undertaken by The Open University (OU) and in particular draws out how both open access and open ...
Match: case study; United Kingdom; Europe