Into the Open: Shared Stories of Open Educational Practices in Teacher Education
Translated title | À découvert : des histoires partagées de pratiques éducatives libres dans la formation des enseignants |
Published | 2 November 2024 |
Journal | Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology Volume 50, Issue 4, Pages 1-24 |
Country | Canada, North America |
Navigating through the Faculty of Education as a teacher educator in Canada is complex and complicated. Research literature calls for an intentional focus on media and digital literacies, and technological competencies, in teacher education. Program directions are confounded by technological trends emerging in kindergarten to grade twelve education and higher education. This post-intentional phenomenological research study examined moments, materials, and insights from the stories shared by participants as they revealed media and digital skills, fluencies, competencies, and literacies in their open educational practice. This research provides insights into how teacher educators seize opportunities to work through complex matters while applying technology resources. It is becoming ever more important to share expertise as practitioners, researchers, and theorists in the field of education by making explicit what is often tacit and unspoken, and when sharing knowledge, reflections, and actions. By actively thinking-out-loud through blogs, social media, and open scholarly publications, educators can openly share details of what, how, and why they do what they do. Research findings reveal the importance of media and digital literacies in the dimensions of communication, creativity, connections, and criticality within an open educational practice as a teacher educator.Keywords | Canadian · digital technology · faculties of education · open educational practices · teacher educators |
Language | English |
ISSN | 1499-6685 |
Refereed | Yes |
Rights | CC BY-NC |
DOI | 10.21432/cjlt28603 |
URL | |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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